Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blessed Rain

The Valley is so terribly dry - actual drought conditions as the moisture level is already 20 inches below normal. It has rained off and on for a few days - just a shower here and there or a half hour drizzly rain. As we attended church this morning, Becky talked about the much needed rain that was supposed to be here around 3AM this morning. So we prayed for rain for the soil, the crops, the water levels. Pastor Israel spoke on God's greatness, - even greater than Abraham or Moses. We can rest in the greatness of His mercy, just as He rested on the 7th day. The service was just as quiet and peaceful - that is until the thunder roared and the skies opened up as God poured the rain down on us, just as in God's reign His favors are poured out onto us. It was a deluge, with the much needed moisture being drunk thirstily by the earth. The puddles (actually lakes) in the parking lot were so deep that I took my shoes off and waded to the car. But no one complained, just thanked God for answered prayers.

Last week I posted a picture of a beautiful tree with purple blossoms and no leaves. I found out that the name of the tree is Jacaranda Mimoisfolia, normally just called a Jacaranda tree. There were a few posts on facebook from others who also noticed this strange looking but beautiful tree. Our little cactus had two of the beautiful white blossoms on It, but only for 24 hours. We first noticed them one cool evening when we were outside, then the next day when they were in full bloom. We volunteered at CHI resale shop that day, and by the time we returned home, they were already finished blooming. It took me awhile, but I discovered that this is an Azura Gate cactus.  "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven"  Ecclesiastes 3:1
We just thank God that we were here at this time to experience the beauty of the flowering Azura Cactus.

such large blossoms for such a tiny plant

 our Azura Gate cactus starting to bloom at night

Azura Gate in full bloom
a beautiful flower that died later that day

Before coming to the Valley, I never would have pictured it as it really is. What do you picture this area as??? A flat, dry, desert looking place, with a few stores, few people and places to eat???? What a surprise you have in store for you if you ever travel this far South. It is a very populated area, with heavy traffic, (especially when the Winter Texans are here),  many different types of people, and about
any chain store or restaurant you would imagine, including some that are only found in the South. A very beautiful, busy area.

 a large industrial area
 Texas has a love affair with bridges
 but the bridges are great and pretty, too 
two of the many hospitals on the right 
 We made a trip to Reynosa to take a few things to RIN, but also to say hasta la vista until we return in the fall. Paty and Lupe loved the pictures of the quinceanera (they love pictures of any kind) and were surprised to see us at their Casa for the mid day meal (this was the day all of the kids eat at their own Casas) . House mother , Tia Merary, is a good cook and the food was excellent. It was interesting to see them all acting as a family, helping with the chores and taking care of the younger ones. Because we had to wait for one of the college students (Nelson) to arrive and bring us a computer to take back to the States, we got quality time with the girls. Merary brought her computer out, and had a program to translate - hooray - we could communicate, even though sometimes the translation was strange. We showed her this blog, and she saw a picture of Pastor Israel and Becky. She hurriedly explained that when she and Alfonso got married last year (she was a young widow with a son) Pastor Israel married them!!! A convoy of cars from a dealership in Reynosa came into the refuge, horns blowing, sirens blaring, and music playing. The kids we all excited and started running from every direction to see what was happening. It seems that the  employees brought pinatas especially for them. There was a lot of excitement and smiles. The pinatas were set aside for a special time for the kids.
 some of the cars entering the RIN compound
 the kids coming to see what this was all about
tree climbing to pass the time until all get there
 the kids and some of the dealership employees
 pinatas for future fun
 Tia Merary on the right serving up some great food
 just like in your home
 time to eat - after prayers were said
This is going to be a busy week - preparing to travel to Arkansas to see family. Time to say good-bye to friends with promises of "see you in the fall". A time to end our ministry work here in S. Texas, willing to listen to God's guidance as to what is waiting for us over the summer in other areas. We worry about Great Oaks Food Clothing Ministry while we are gone, but know that God will provide. Hopefully we have added to their provisions somewhat. We thank each and every one of you for your love and support this past year. If God so lays it on your heart and grants you the opportunity to want to contribute to our ministry so that we can continue to follow God's command,  go to crmintl. org and click on online support. Please pray for safe travels for us - with God's help our next blog will be coming to you from Arkansas where we are prayerfully awaiting the safe arrival of our identical twin great grand-daughters. 


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