Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter - a new beginning

Easter is truly a new beginning - a time to celebrate being alive. Being alive not only in the world but in Christ.

Today is the second time in my life that Easter Sunday has been a time when I truly became alive in a new beginning. The first time it was a time in my life when the world seemed to come to an end and there seemed no where to turn. Then I went to church on Easter Sunday and the message seemed pointed directly towards me (why does it seem that way sometimes) promising me that this too will pass and God will see me through life beyond today. And it came to happen - my life eventually became a time devoted to Him and His plan for me. I can see the path so clearly from where it lead from there to where I am today. The path from worldly uncertainty to spiritual certainty.

Today, as we know where we are in our spiritual certainty, we are wondering where were will be in the worldly uncertainty. There are many changes in our small piece of this earth - we are saying good-bye to our former Chaplain Dennis and Sally Maloney as they step out into worldly uncertainty, along with Chaplain Jack and Karen Gregory. (And we pray that God guides them and protects them in their new venture). They are certain in their spiritual walk, certain that this is the path that God has laid out for them, but not certain how it will all work out. The same is true for us - we will begin the next season here in the Valley with a new chaplain, we will begin a new position as assistant chaplain, a new relationship with park management, our ministry has been placed under a different heading, our relationship with CHI is changing, and our ladies conference is also taking a new path. We accept these changes with the certainty that the Lord is in control, that He is leading and will continue to lead. We have to not get ahead of Him.
This evening is the food distribution time at Great Oaks Community Church - the ministry that God has placed on our hearts. Many of the parks, as well as Alamo Rec Veh, have donated food, as "Winter Texans" prepare to head North for the summer and clean out their food cupboards - the generosity of these folks is amazing. So far this week we have taken two FULL carloads (trunk and back seat) to Great Oaks food pantry for a much needed refill!! The smiles on the faces of those receiving the gifts of food is more reward than any words can portray. It breaks my heart when a child receives a small box of raisins or a bag of cheerios with such joy, knowing that it is theirs personally.  A very small thing in our eyes but a huge one in theirs.

car backseat full of food donations
a full trunk for the second time

As we prepare our schedule to head back to our families for the summer, we still have many more responsibilities here in S Texas yet including more volunteer time at the CHI resale store. Another huge event coming up in April is the quinceniera (15th birthday celebration) of one of the sisters we sponsor. It sounds like this is an evening event in Reynosa, so we will be spending the night there. I will be sure to have a lot of pictures of this most important time in a young Mexican girl's life. Sort of like a wedding without the groom.

God bless each and every one of you on the Resurrection Sunday - He is risen and alive today.

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