Sunday, December 23, 2012

Giving Up

Christmas is a time for giving - up. Yes, giving up time , talents, and wants to those that do not have. Sit down and take a look at your kitchen - stove, refrigerator, cupboards, dishes, silverware, food!! Can you imagine that there are people in your area that don't have these things??  Maybe a room or two made out of tin and cardboard, with a blanket or two for the whole family - no refrigerator, no stove to cook food, even if they had food. We had the privilege last Sunday of helping these people by passing out the hams generously donated by our park to over 50 families. Because of the giving hearts of park residents, we also were able to fill their bags with canned vegetables, other Christmas dinner items, a bag of candy and a toy for each child. Imagine being able to eat a whole orange by yourself and not share it with family members. Or being a child and holding your very own toy (or perhaps your first toy), knowing it belonged to you and you alone. Through the efforts of the Great Oaks Community Food and Clothing Ministry, and the generosity of The Alamo Rec Veh Park, children will go to bed this Christmas without hunger pangs, warm in the knowledge that Jesus loves them enough to use us to show them His love. Is there no greater feeling of Christmas than that???
This Christmas (ands all year long, if you choose) make someone else's celebrations a little bit happier by giving - up. Along with the food distribution, the Great Oaks Community Church held a children's Christmas program including some of the children from colonias and impoverished homes. The program was wonderful, the excitement of the children in  portraying the Christmas story was endearing as their faces shone with love for Jesus. One little girl wore a beautiful green velvet dress ( most likely from the clothing ministry), trimmed in fur and wearing purple sparkling shoes!!! The sparkles were gone from the toe area, with the lining showing: perhaps she worn them often. She was so very proud of those shoes - her enthusiasm just bubbled from her. Her beauty just stole our hearts - as did the rest of the children. We cannot save them all, but we sure are going to try.
the youth group depicting the birth of Jesus

the reason for the season

the younger children's group

the beautiful little girl with the purple shoes

this is for me???

a smile for Christmas
this lady was overjoyed

the elderly lady could not say "gracias" enough times

a mother happy in the knowledge that her children will have enough to eat Christmas Day
 The Christmas activities seem to just pile up on us this week, including a"crazy hat" day at our park. all those who wanted to could wear funny or cute hats to Wednesday morning coffee. These are just a very few of the selections.
Darryl and Martha - our backdoor neighbors

friends Karen and Dean - please pray for Dean as he is currently in the hospital with blood clots in both of his lungs

full of Christmas cheer
Brad - the Minnesota Viking

On Thursday we traveled with 50 others in a bus to RIN in Reynosa to help celebrate Christmas with the children as they held their Christmas program. It was so much fun to see the kids all dressed in their Christmas outfits, proud to be able to show off their talents in the program, including  their newest learning of English to sing a few carols. It was quite evident that that Christian teaching they received helped them to realize the true meaning of Christmas as their love of God showed through in their skit and their singing. Their love and care of the younger ones (as well as their concern of us older ones)  shows that they understand the true meaning of Christmas giving and giving-up! Of course, the day was not complete without a Christmas dinner, prepared by Maria - beef, mashed potatoes, vegetables, pasta, and cupcakes. Needless to say, the kids were all excited and the sugar certainly helped. We spent only 1-1/2 hours on the bridge coming home which gave us time to visit and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
directors Randall and Betsy Chacon - they left the day after the program on a short, much needed cruise for their 20th wedding anniversary
a bus load of people ready to cross the border to Reynosa - they are all sponsors of children at RIN

this was the sight at the Anzadualas bridge crossing - these people were all waiting to cross into the US - about a 4 hour wait

                                 the line is very long - luckily it thinned out when we were ready to come home -    it was very windy that day - if you notice the sky is hazy - full of blowing sand
we voted on the best art creations in each grade, as the children showed their understanding of Christmas. this was the 6th graders interpretation.
 the house mother of the senoritas - (the young ladies) with her son and new husband. she was widowed for a few years before God brought him to her. she has done a wonderful job with the girls - instilling in them self confidence and worth as a woman.
 all the presents, made possible by sponsors and donations. can you see why the children were so excited?? the newest children of RIN had never received presents before, let alone never seen so many in one place.
part of the program, depicting the story of Jesus and His birth - participants were volunteers from those present.
                              the shepherds, watching their flocks before the angels made the astounding announcement.
 the Magi, coming to see the newborn King - notice the animals on the left - the donkey was the visiting missionary, Daniel, who played the part well
                        the sisters we sponsor, Paty and Lupe - they are becoming such beautiful young ladies
                                            they would not let us get away until we posed with them -

We had an unexpected guest on the lake - a beautiful huge pelican decided to land there and let us enjoy his presence for a few hours. the ocean and gulf are quite a few miles away, so don't know why he got so far from the water, but he was fun to watch as he preened himself for all the other birds.
                                                    a friendly pelican, letting us enjoy his presence

As Christmas Day approaches, let us take the time to understand that Jesus came to earth, born as a human, to sacrifice himself for our salvation. As we are studying Revelation in Sunday School, we come to a greater understanding that He is telling us, actually warning us, of the end of times. Jesus came to earth as our Savior so that we can  be prepared. Let us always remember the reason for the season. Make it a point to give - up this coming year. A very blessed Christmas to all of you.

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