We were so blessed this year to have two Thanksgiving celebrations. Last Sunday we were privileged to be invited by Pastor Israel and Becky Rodrigrez to Great Oaks Community Church Harvest Celebration with their congregation. Because of their love for others, their food and clothing ministry has provided assistance for many people. We have received many donations of food which is desperately needed at this time of year. Many of the of the people who receive food do not have ovens or the refrigeration needed for a Christmas turkey which is why we are striving to collect as as many canned hams as possible. These can be cooked on on a grill which in some cases is the only means of cooking these people have. We are so thankful for the blessings that God has poured down on us. As Paul related to Timothy about those who are rich in material things "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share".
I Timothy 6-18.
the decorating committee at Great Oaks - hard at work |
fantastic food from great cooks |
the dessert center |
Pastor Israel and Becky Rodriquez of Great Oaks Community Church with a heart for those less fortunate. I love the church's verse: "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, for the dis play of His splendor."
Isaiah 61:13
We also had a Thanksgiving here at our park, where ladies host a table of 12 or more people. There were 10 tables, a very comfortable number of folks. Hostesses Carole and Jeannie made us all feel welcome with a beautiful decorated table, groaning with all the contributed food. The fellowship and companionship of just enjoying the meal together made for a wonderful day.
our table with neighbor Ron thinking he ruined my picture!
more table guests, waiting for the turkey
some table decorations - notice the turkey shaped butter
the "Padre" and his wife, Catholic priests from the Liberal Catholic Church of Canada
and here we are - pleasantly stuffed
our entertainment for the afternoon - a gentleman who sang songs from the 50's up to the present day - it was fun to listen to see who could "name that tune"
Bob Vess - our park's very capable sound man
Things are getting very busy this time of year. The many style shows of CHI featuring the beautiful clothes available at our resale shop are a weekly happening - CHI directors are preparing for the RIN Christmas party for all the kiddos in Reynosa - that means buying gifts, clothes, and shoes for over 60 kids! Some of the children will not be going home for the holidays, so we all must make them feel loved and special - in God's eyes as well as in our hearts. It is important to develop a relationship with them so we can help them learn about God and their relationship with Him. "We will not hide them (the things that we have learned from our fathers), from their children, we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord". Psalm 78:4
We are making several trips to drop off food donations to the food ministry, as well as collecting items for the resale shop. Our church at the park is planning several special programs which require a lot of planning so pray for us as we work alongside Chaplain Dennis Maloney to make these happen.
As we enter this Christmas season with Advent beginning the coming Sunday, let us, too wait in anticipation for the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.Tell someone "Merry Christmas" every day without worrying about offending anyone or being politically correct. We as Christians need to proclaim our belief in this very precise but quiet way.
Have a wonderful week - make someone happy everyday by doing a simple, good deed.
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