Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cooling Off

As the days fade into fall, the evenings are cooling off - just right for an evening walk. I took my camera along, as I  knew the "whistlers" in our park  (some type of duck) would also be out for an evening stroll. I sure was not disappointed! They were all lined up next to the lake, anticipating an evening swim. As I would approach each group, they would fly off in a coordinated line into the lake, soon to be followed by each group that I encountered. Some of the residents feed them, and they parade up and down the streets until they are fed. They also perch on roof tops, surveying the area. I knew that the white egret was also in residence, but did not really know how many there were until I looked across the lake from the opposite side, and saw them roosting in for the night.

ducks and other birds (click to enlarge it) 

a few of the whistlers

whistlers getting ready to fly

always on the alert

do they look nervous?

just a few of the many on the lake
maybe they cannot read

the many white egrets roosting

As I continued walking around the lake, it began to rain. I took shelter under a car port along the way, and waited for it to let up a bit. As I waited, I looked out, and saw this glorious
rainbow. Rainbows  always reminds me of the promise God gave Noah when He said that He would never again curse the ground because of man's sinfulness.  Genesis 8:22 says,  "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease".
     God's promise in a rainbow

It is hard to believe that another week has begun (well, perhaps so as it was Sunday football and the Packers won!!). This morning we studied the 23rd Psalm in Bible study with Chaplain Maloney. When you study how shepherds and sheep interact, you really begin to understand our relationship with the Lord as our Shepherd. Sheep are totally trusting in their shepherd, relying on him for their daily needs, and protecting them from danger. They know his voice, follow his lead (shepherds never herd their flock - they always lead them),  and are completely loyal. This is the relationship that we all should try to develop with God and rely on His promises that He will never leave us.
We are busy with a multitude of activities - preparing for Sunday church services which will begin in November - Sally and I have a great surprise for honoring birthday and anniversaries each month! We are also preparing for a ladies work out time - hopefully twice a week. Tomorrow we are preparing ourselves by trying to conquer the sessions. I am anticipating lots of water and break time until we perfect it. Pray that we can at least be an inspiration to all who care to join us.
Our new Sanctuary Outpost website is beginning to shape up, with videos and pictures. It is our hope that we can convey to all of you what CRMI is all about and how it's three divisions work within it. Those of us who are a part of this division have a passion for missions with a desire to instill the same desire in those who also want to serve in some way. We are always looking for options in all parts of the world where we can partner and spread the word of God.
CHI Director Betsy Chacon, along with Mexican Director, Melana Gulian, just returned after a 10 day road trip, visiting all of the churches and other contributors to CHI. They do this every year in order to keep in contact with those who are so loyal to CHI. During this trip, they met with a couple who were involved with CHI when there were only 2 Casas at RIN in Reynosa - now we have 7!!!!
We are praying that those who have not been to Mexico for a visit in a while will be able to this year to see all the improvements.
We are excited to begin a new winter season here in S. Texas, anxiously waiting to see where God is leading us this year -  we continue our work at CHI in Pharr, Texas, and Reynosa, Mexico, as well as being involved in Alamo Rec Veh activities, CRM projects, outreach ministries,  not to mention just relaxing in the warm S Texas atmosphere. We are thankful that God has given the opportunity to accomplish all of this in our golden years - to keep busy doing what we love. Please pray for us as we continue on this amazing pathway - we thank all of you for your love and support.



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