Sunday was truly a girls day out as our daughter took all 5 of her granddaughters to have their nails and toes done prior to starting school this week. After church I joined them for lunch at their favorite Mexican restaurant. What a great time - all of the girls were so very good and we had a great time together.

all ready for papering

pretty toes

lots of pretty hands and nails
all of us for lunch including another daughter - a gaggle of girls!
As many of you must have guessed by now, I love to just sit outside and enjoy nature at it's very finest. One morning as I was enjoying my morning cup of coffee in my pj's (yes, I know too much information) which have flowers on them, the hummingbirds kept checking them out by buzzing around my head, very close to me, and even closer to the flowers as if checking them out! I sat very still and just marveled in the joy of them being so close. A wren couple has made a nest in a hanging plant near the front door, so we watch them flying all day, trying to keep the growing youngsters feed. They fly into the nest, feed the kids, and then fly off with the bird dodo to dispose of it. How marvelous is nature! The babies are very loud as they wait for more food, even sticking their heads out of the nest. I think they are almost ready to fly off on their own.
wren babies - we think there are 4 of them
Our son-in-law does an amazing job of smoking meat and this weekend he smoked bacon for a friend. when it is done, after about 10+ hours, he will let it cool down, and then slice it. He has had 3 detached retina surgeries on his right eye and is discouraged because he hunts and cannot see well out of it yet. So he followed his motto "Adapt and overcome". He fashioned a new stock for his gun, stained it, attached it to his gun barrel so he could look through it with his left eye but still shoot right handed. Amazing. He tested it out and it was almost perfect! I need to take lessons from him.
wonderful smoking bacon
A busy week as we continue to search for a place to live. The Lord has already got this figured out - we just have to continue to search until we see where He leads us.
Vance's sermon this morning was a continuation of Colossians - mostly pertaining to your relationship with your supervisors and your attitude towards your job. Yes, this pertains to working folks but can also be a lesson to us more mature folks who volunteer or are involved in other charitable work. As Christians we are transformed in our new relationship with Christ. We no longer live for ourselves, but for Christ. Before we became Christians, it is all about us, afterwards it is about Christ. Accepting Jesus is truly a transformation in our lives. How do we as Christians allow Jesus to impact our work? We need to put Jesus in the center of what we do - put Jesus in your job. It can change your attitude in what you do. God designed man to work, even in the garden of Eden. Work was not the punishment for Adam' and Eve's sin. God gave man the privilege and responsibility for work in the Garden of Eden. It is healthy and good for us to work. There are things in our job that we do not like but to do them is a mission field in our lives. It gives us an opportunity to be a representative for Christ. Slaves mentioned in the Bible was based on economic status and not race. Sometimes the "slaves" were overcome by enemies and made slaves. The old and new testaments talk about stealing men to be a slave as being wrong. Look at Colossians 4:1 as an employee or employer would. "Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven". Do your job. Do a good job. Do your job with a good attitude. Do a good job with a good attitude to be a good witness. You are not working for the man, but you are working for "The Man". To be a good employer or supervisor, you need to create a fair environment and treat people right.
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