Another beautiful summer day in Central Wisconsin. This past week has really been beautiful - a bit cool in the morning but perfect days after the rain finally quit). We have been helping our sister-in-law with to do lists, as well as general upkeep. Fred loves to mow lawn, and the lawn here is expansive, even to the pint of mowing half of the horse pasture. At one time, there were horses in the side pasture therefore no need to mow. After the horses were no longer there, the entire pasture was mowed, but since Fred''s brother passed away, the wing ha been cut down a bit. As Fred mows, the gopher dart back and forth, poking up their heads to see what all the noise is about. They scoot across the yard, seemingly playing tag with the mower. there is also a huge apple orchard to be mowed, where disaster struck. Fred got slapped in the face with a low hanging branch, which have since been cut and given t a neighbor for smoking meat. Looked like Fred got in a fist fight!!!

serious face slapping
After the face injury, we had to drive to a nearby town to get Fred's glasses readjusted, thanks to the apple tree branch. On the way, there were various road side stands - we purchased some sweeet corn ( from Indiana as the Wisconsin corn is not ready yet) and some wonderful Georgia peaches ( almost as good as Arkansas peaches). Love the fresh produce here in Wisconsin at this time of year - including the sweet Door County cherries which we had purchased earlier.
sweet and delicious peaches
fresh, two color sweet corn with real butter and a touch of salt.
Saturday we went to the cousin's breakfast, a family tradition that has endured for years (although this was the only 3rd one since the virus last year. It is held every 2nd Saturday of the month with about10-20 cousin's there. We had not been there in a few years, but didn't seem like it - got caught up on all the family news, and enjoyed a good time of fellowship.
We have not had any cats or dogs for many years, but enjoy the company of Skipper, our sister-in-law's boxer. He is really very well behaved and smart, keeping guard outside our bedroom door at night. While trying to take his picture he totally ignored me, striking this impressive pose.
My sister-in-law is a great quilter, so on Monday we went to her quilt club silent auction. Needless to say, I found a few things at bargain prices. We had both finished the baby quilts for my granddaughter's shower later this month, so she worked on quilts for missions, and I designed a quilt (with her expert advice) from the items I purchased from the auction. Hopefully I will get the top finished while we are here. We plan on making this trip to WI every year to help her out with "handyman" help. So far it has been hanging curtains and shades, mowing, and trimming trees. No apples this year due to a late frost that froze the blossoms, so hopefully next year there will be some to can. A few more projects on the list but a few weeks yet to complete them. God has so blessed us that we can be of help to her while enjoying our vacation here.
In order to live a life in Christ, we have to have preparation and performance. We cannot be a servant of God by our means - we need to prepare and follow through. "So then, as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue living your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing in thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7. We have been strengthened and built in the Lord. The first part of Colossians tells us who we are - it is our identity. "Since you have been raised with Christ, set your heart on things above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2. If you are in the kingdom of God, there are things that must happen in your life. If you live a life in Jesus, you need to focus on things above and not on things on earth. Our brain has millions on connections in order for us to function. . Our brain is a big pace in a small place. We have to think of how to live for Jesus and His purpose for us. we live in an age of information overload. None of this information given to us is usually without knowledge of the truth from those who give it. It is just repeated over and over. Before all of this technology, we interacted with everyone personally. It is very difficult today to take our eyes off worldly things. It takes away our inability to focus on God. All earthly information influences us and leads us astray. If you don't pay attention to who you listen to, you can get into a lot of trouble. What is shaping you mind, your heart, and your character? Set your mind on the kingdom of God. See things in His perspective. By setting your minds on things above, you become what you need to be in this world. .Let God transform your minds and you will have a new set of values. Think and pray about where your mind and heart are set every day of the week and not just on Sunday. Read your Bible, study Scripture, memorize verses, turn off the TV, shut down the computer, unplug from technology. When you do that you have fullness of joy in the presence of God. Let Him transform our hearts and minds to live the life He wants us to lead. Let's live our lives so others see Christ in us. When Christ is in us, everything changes.
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