What week this has been! We received two bicycles, 10 wooden doors, and a davenport (couch to those not from the North). These will be so loved and well received by our colonia family. We were pleasantly surprised by a group of missionary kids from Kansas City Christian School who, on their mission trip, gave up their spring break to come to serve in the Valley. As we made our delivery in the new colonia, we noticed a van in the yard. All of a sudden, the doors opened and the kids piled out. I was totally surprised. Apparently, besides planting gardens for the colonia people, their mission was to help distribute food and other supplies. What a blessing they were as we had a huge load that day. In addition to the normal produce, we received gallons of milk, toilet paper, boxes of Farm to Family boxes containing yoghurt, chicken patties, oranges, potatoes just name a bit of what was in the box. and boxes and crates of canned food. Those kids made short work of unloading and packing boxes. Two girls were assigned to packing donuts with me - one asked if it was ok if she just tied the bags as she did not want to get sticky!

the unloading almost done

they had a perfect system going

boxes packed and ready to go
at least I did not have to pack these on Tuesday

Ida and Brother Sandoval loading vehicles
After we finished there, we drove to one of our suppliers to pick up individual packets of oatmeal, as well as more canned goods. Well, this was a first for me, as the big tote of oatmeal was almost empty and someone had to climb into the tote to pack the oatmeal in boxes to deliver on Friday. Guess who was the one doing the climbing - yep me .Now that was really a video worth watching!!

picture of the oatmeal packets while standing in the tote

finally crawled into the tote - getting out was another story
Then on Friday the kids showed up again to help - I forgot to take a picture of the raised garden they planted at this home.
Many more boxes packed - you can see the resident dog who was blessed with a flea collar.
The kids busy at work.
Before we left, we prayed for these kids, who are learning how to serve the Lord, and the blessings that they themselves receive from it..
Almost next door to where we were distributing, this house has burned the night before - a family of 8 made it out safely, but as you can see it was a total loss. Someone was there, so a box of food and supplies were delivered to them, also.
There were 3 ladies in the Bible whose name was similar - Bashemath, Basemath, and Bashemath, who names meant fragrant or perfumes 9 balsam). Bashmath was one of the wives of Esau, who was also called the daughter of Elon the Hittite. Esau married her out of spite because his father was not pleased with his other wives who were among the daughters of Canaan. Basemath was the daughter of Ishmael, and the last of Esau's wives according to Edomite genealogy. They had a son named Renel, from whom 4 Edomite tribes were descended. Bashemath was the daughter of Solomon who became the wife of Ahimaaz, one of the king's tax collectors at Naphtali.
Matt Tibbet, the youth minister at our home church in Arkansas delivered the message this morning continuing in the book of John. Matt gave us a background of verse 10 by explaining the shepherds. They were one of the three most common professions in Israel. It was the lowest of professions as they could ont observe the Sabbath as they had to continuously tend to the sheep. They were considered unreligious and unclean. A shepherd knew the names of his sheep and they knew the sound of his voice. Therefore, he could lead his his sheep and they would follow him. He led them to a pen at night (usually a high stone fence of some sort) and actually slept in the gate opening to keep out predators and keep the sheep in. There were usually more than one flock of sheep in these pens and more than one shepherd. In the morning, because the sheep knew the sound of their master's voice, they would all follow their own shepherd. Jesus had healed a blind man near the temple, and everyone was talking about it. The Pharisees were mad, because they seemed to be losing their power, and claimed Jesus was wrong because He healed Him on a Sabbath day. That seems to be the world today - those in power do not like to face the truth and try to lure us into the ways of the world. Thieves and robbers (the Pharisee type folks) do not come i by the gate - they sneak in at night - just as those who tried to steal the sheep. That is why the shepherd slept in the gate opening. The sheep would not follow a stranger, only their master and someone who would come through the gate. The person you can trust comes through the gate. Jesus said that He was the gate - if you want peace and rest come through the gate. He said He is the good shepherd who laid down His life for His sheep. He tells His people not to listen to the world but to trust Him. We have a good shepherd whose way is good for us even of the world tries to lure us astray, but that way is the road to destruction. We have to know our shepherd's voice. We can only do so by not spending so much time listening to the world through news and media and spending more time in church and in the Word. Do not listen to any voice in the world that does not come through the gate. the voice of the world promises false happiness. Stop dancing with the wolves. If you have been listening to the voice of the world get back to the Lord. We as believers need to listen to the Shepherd's voice and come running to Him and to follow Him because we trust Him.
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