We are still traveling down to the Rio Grande Valley, but stopped off on Friday to visit Chaplain Roy and Paula Gee, as well as having some work done on our vehicle. We will be leaving tomorrow for a 9 hour trip to Alamo. Roy and Paula live in a small town of Joshua in Texas (isn't that a great place to live). It is South of Fort Worth, so close enough to a big city, yet a small town atmosphere. We have just been relaxing, enjoying their company with no pressure to entertain each other. Did a bit of site seeing, and found a natural food store to purchase some items I cannot find in S Texas. Roy is our chaplain to chaplains in CRMI and a retired Baptist minister, so we do get into some interesting conversations. Because of the Covid, we watch movies on Netflex, read, and just chill out. Paula is a great crafter, so we cut up a pallet to make a Christmas tree, as well as some boards to make 3 dimensional pumpkins. They have a craft building in their back yard, sort of a he/she shed. Lots of wonderful decorating ideas for very little expense.

the he/she shed-Fred and Roy trying to figure things out
cutting a pallet Christmas tree- public service announcement - no human was injured during this process
Mission accomplished - Paula singing "O Christmas Tree". Will be neat painted and decorated with lights, ornaments, etc.
We were able to attend church at Lane Prairie Baptist Church with Roy and Paula on Sunday. A beautiful country church with a great worship team. Their minister is now fighting cancer, so there was a guest speaker who works with Mission:Dignity, non-profit which helps support retired ministers and their widows in their retirement. A lot of retired preachers served small country churches, have no retirement, and were paid very little during their preaching career, so the extra help is a Godsend for them.
Social distancing is not new!! Moses, Noah, Jacob, Elijah in 1 Kings:17 even Jesus Himself social distanced at some time. In 1 Kings:17 God told Elijah to hide himself (social distance) and the ravens would bring him food and water. He was by a brook for water, but the brook soon dried up - his trust in the Lord lead him to better things. His belief was so powerful that he was known as a man of God. Elijah was a man like us, but something enabled him to truly become a man of God. There were 5 things that he truly believed.
1) God has a plan for us. We truly believe this in our lives as we continue to follow His will, knowing He will allow us to return to AR in His own timing. He plan is for us to hide in ourselves. The word hide can be translated to be absent from ourselves - a time to be alone with God. Even God social distanced the night before He was crucified. God's plan is to absent ourselves and trust God.
2) God has a promise for us. In I Kings:17, verse 4 "there" is an important word. There is where God wants us. It is important to be in the Word of God-He will meet you "there". Where is your there? Is in repentance of your sin or in the reconciliation with someone?
3) God has a prerequisite for us. Our problem is often not knowing what we are supposed to do. We need to obey God;s commandments. Obeying is to trust. You cannot trust someone you do not know.
If you really trust God, you will know and obey Him. If you don't trust Him, it is because you don't know Him.
4) God has a provision for us. After we are in the will of God, He provides for us. God sent out a raven to Elijah - a raven was the worst of birds, a dirty bird. He could have sent a dove or an mighty eagle, but He sent a lowly raven. He can us anyone for His purpose, even mere mortals like ourselves. He can provide carcasses for the raven. He can provide for us.
5) God has a purpose for us. Elijah's heart was tested when the brook dried up. Let not our trust be in material things, but in God alone. Trust the Lord and He will lead you to higher ground.
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