busy filling boxes with wonderful produce
the big boxes were over flowing - thank you Lord for your provision
nice real boneless hams
this gal wanted her picture taken - she is one of our hardest workers, always ready to what is necessary

I told him we needed to see his face so we could admire him!

some of the food provided
We have had rain all week - really strange rain showers. The sun would be shining, then all of a sudden it was as if the clouds opened up and the rain poured down for a few minutes (I mean came down in real gully washers), and then it just as if the faucet was turned of, it quit. This was off an on all week. We took the vehicle in to have it washed at a hand wash run by a HUGE Mexican father where we go when we want a deep clean. . He must have a whole herd of sons, as they were just like monkeys crawling all over the vehicle, washing, vacuuming, and polishing. It takes about 45 minutes but looks spectacular. And of course, 5 minutes after we left the area, it rained. We finished our errands, came home, and rinsed it off again!!! At least it is clean for a bit. Even with Jasmine air fragrance!!
We watched Pastor Vance this morning on the computer - hopefully we will be able to attend in person when we arrive in Arkansas. There are active services with a lot of restrictions of course. The hardest part will be the the morning welcome and hugs from everyone. Life is so very precious. What is proof of life? Motion - where there is life, there is motion. "The body without the Spirit is dead". If there is no action in your faith, then it is dead. Christianity is not just attending church, but shoeing how you live it 24/7. In the Book of James, he seems to contradict Paul when talking about salvation - grace versus works. We have to accept grace, then do as God commands us to do. We are all sinners and cannot do anything to earn God's grace - it is a gift. James is telling us how to act after we become Christians. Faith works. If you have a legitimate it works always. your faith impacts your decisions. The works of God for us work in us.
There are 3 kinds of faith:
1) Dead faith - words without action. Lip service without sacrifice. Possess it but don't profess it. We prove our faith by action. If you were brought to trial to be a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
2) Demonic faith - recognition without repentance. You cannot show your faith unless you have deeds. Even demons believe there is one God! Recognition without repentance will do you no good Demons have a reaction to God - the Shudder!! We need to have a desire to serve God. We need to be careful that our faith does not waiver during these trying times. Don't let your faith grow cold.
3) Dynamic faith - belief transforming our behavior. James does not tell us what we want to hear, but what we need to order our life through our faith in Jesus Christ. Faith affects behavior. take for example Abraham. His faith and action worked together. Regardless of how difficult it would be to sacrifice his son, he followed God's will and was prepared to so. We want to be God's friend, so we need to act like it by following what He teaches Do you have trouble finishing what you started? Living out your faith is always a work in progress. Another example of faith was Rehab. She was a prostitute who saved the lives of the Israelite spies by hiding them and helping them escape. Rehab trusted God's people and became obedient to God, marrying and becoming an ancestor of Jesus. Now is not the time to let your faith cool off. God will give us ways to serve Him. Be creative - think of ways to validate your faith. Take small treats to your neighbors as a way to cheer them up, write cards to folks, make a phone call. What did you do this week because you are a Christian? What didn't you do??
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