This is a bit late for everyone, especially those who are reading it so faithfully. We left S Texas on Thursday and drove to Joshua to visit a couple of days with Chaplain/Pastor Roy and Paula Gee. The trip went well, beautiful cloudy driving weather. We made sure we wore gloves to pump gas, wore our masks, and used a lot of sanitizer. Only went through the drive through to grab a bit to eat. We were surprised at a few places in N Texas where masks were not required but we wore them anyway. Spent a few days just visiting with the Gees, not hardly going anywhere and enjoying each other's company. We did bring some things with us in a u-haul so that when we finally move we won't have so much to move and family from Arkansas won't have to drive over 800 miles to help. We unloaded quickly with hep from our daughters and relaxed for the rest of the day. Since we traveled on Sunday, we listened to Prairie Grove Christian Church live on my phone as we drove along. Now that was a new experience for us.It feels so natural for us to be here in The Natural State again for a bit. As we got closer to Arkansas, the mountains came into view and we both felt a sense of peace.
We did not do any distribution last week in the colonias. I was feeling guilty because we would not be there for 2 months, but because of Covid we have closed the distribution until September. There are a few places folks can go for food, but a lot of the earlier distribution points have also closed. My heart hurts for those people as I know their resources will be limited.
We spent the last few days getting adjusted to different surroundings, greeting folks we hadn't seen in awhile (at a social distance, of course), and taking care of the details we needed to.
Pastor Vance continued with the Book of James, this time in Chapter 3 - Taming the Tongue. I am sure he hit the mark with a lot of people, as we often speak before we think, or say something really hurtful to someone because we were also hurt. Comparing the tongue the bit in a horse's mouth or a rudder on a ship really allows us to see the power of the tongue. Such a small thing if not controlled can cause a lot of damage. Almost all of the beasts and creatures in this world have been tamed by men but man cannot tame the tongue. Gossip is a terrible way that the tongue can cause damage. Can you think of people you know who cannot wait to be first to tell a bit of gossip before even trying to find out if it is true or not? There are many people in this world like that - perhaps it gives them a sense of power or self worth or something. Remember the telephone game we played as children? You whispered something into someone's ear, they passed it on, and so forth. It never was the same as what was first said - sometimes entirely different. That is how gossip is. We often lash out if someone offends us or does something to anger us. Let us make it a point this week to stop and think before we blow off steam and hurt someone. Turn down the thermostat and count to 10.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Party Time
This last Tuesday the ladies in the colonias decided to have a small party as we will be leaving next week for 2 months in Arkansas to be with family and take a much needed break. I really should change the emphasis from small party to a feast. The ladies prepared enough food for 3 times as many folks as were there - including a grill filled three times with 2 types of seasoned chicken and pork riblets. The food was extra delicious. the meat was prepared perfectly, along with 2 types of pico, mashed potatoes, beans (which I thought were charro beans but were something else completely indescribable which I did not ask what it was!), Mexican rice, potato salad, and many different grilled peppers and onions, not to mention the huge array of desserts. The vegetables were used from the one which we brought. We had plenty of baskets (boxes) that we filled, as well as each of the the ladies getting extra surprises! Hams, cheese (like Velveeta), grapes, star fruit (carambola), more Hershey's Gold bars, and small cartons of milk. After all the the distribution was done, the meal was ready to eat. A short devotion, and then a word of thanks from the Mis Suenos ( My Dreams ) colonia bunch telling us what a blessing we are to them. We replied that we were the ones who were blessed to be able to provide for them and get to know them as family. They then presented us with a small donation which they had collected among themselves for our trip home - for gas or whatever. We are forever grateful for their thoughtfulness and sacrifice. We are humbled by these amazing people.
Jose tending to the grill

some of the food provided
We have had rain all week - really strange rain showers. The sun would be shining, then all of a sudden it was as if the clouds opened up and the rain poured down for a few minutes (I mean came down in real gully washers), and then it just as if the faucet was turned of, it quit. This was off an on all week. We took the vehicle in to have it washed at a hand wash run by a HUGE Mexican father where we go when we want a deep clean. . He must have a whole herd of sons, as they were just like monkeys crawling all over the vehicle, washing, vacuuming, and polishing. It takes about 45 minutes but looks spectacular. And of course, 5 minutes after we left the area, it rained. We finished our errands, came home, and rinsed it off again!!! At least it is clean for a bit. Even with Jasmine air fragrance!!
We watched Pastor Vance this morning on the computer - hopefully we will be able to attend in person when we arrive in Arkansas. There are active services with a lot of restrictions of course. The hardest part will be the the morning welcome and hugs from everyone. Life is so very precious. What is proof of life? Motion - where there is life, there is motion. "The body without the Spirit is dead". If there is no action in your faith, then it is dead. Christianity is not just attending church, but shoeing how you live it 24/7. In the Book of James, he seems to contradict Paul when talking about salvation - grace versus works. We have to accept grace, then do as God commands us to do. We are all sinners and cannot do anything to earn God's grace - it is a gift. James is telling us how to act after we become Christians. Faith works. If you have a legitimate it works always. your faith impacts your decisions. The works of God for us work in us.
There are 3 kinds of faith:
1) Dead faith - words without action. Lip service without sacrifice. Possess it but don't profess it. We prove our faith by action. If you were brought to trial to be a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
2) Demonic faith - recognition without repentance. You cannot show your faith unless you have deeds. Even demons believe there is one God! Recognition without repentance will do you no good Demons have a reaction to God - the Shudder!! We need to have a desire to serve God. We need to be careful that our faith does not waiver during these trying times. Don't let your faith grow cold.
3) Dynamic faith - belief transforming our behavior. James does not tell us what we want to hear, but what we need to order our life through our faith in Jesus Christ. Faith affects behavior. take for example Abraham. His faith and action worked together. Regardless of how difficult it would be to sacrifice his son, he followed God's will and was prepared to so. We want to be God's friend, so we need to act like it by following what He teaches Do you have trouble finishing what you started? Living out your faith is always a work in progress. Another example of faith was Rehab. She was a prostitute who saved the lives of the Israelite spies by hiding them and helping them escape. Rehab trusted God's people and became obedient to God, marrying and becoming an ancestor of Jesus. Now is not the time to let your faith cool off. God will give us ways to serve Him. Be creative - think of ways to validate your faith. Take small treats to your neighbors as a way to cheer them up, write cards to folks, make a phone call. What did you do this week because you are a Christian? What didn't you do??
busy filling boxes with wonderful produce
the big boxes were over flowing - thank you Lord for your provision
nice real boneless hams
this gal wanted her picture taken - she is one of our hardest workers, always ready to what is necessary

I told him we needed to see his face so we could admire him!

some of the food provided
We have had rain all week - really strange rain showers. The sun would be shining, then all of a sudden it was as if the clouds opened up and the rain poured down for a few minutes (I mean came down in real gully washers), and then it just as if the faucet was turned of, it quit. This was off an on all week. We took the vehicle in to have it washed at a hand wash run by a HUGE Mexican father where we go when we want a deep clean. . He must have a whole herd of sons, as they were just like monkeys crawling all over the vehicle, washing, vacuuming, and polishing. It takes about 45 minutes but looks spectacular. And of course, 5 minutes after we left the area, it rained. We finished our errands, came home, and rinsed it off again!!! At least it is clean for a bit. Even with Jasmine air fragrance!!
We watched Pastor Vance this morning on the computer - hopefully we will be able to attend in person when we arrive in Arkansas. There are active services with a lot of restrictions of course. The hardest part will be the the morning welcome and hugs from everyone. Life is so very precious. What is proof of life? Motion - where there is life, there is motion. "The body without the Spirit is dead". If there is no action in your faith, then it is dead. Christianity is not just attending church, but shoeing how you live it 24/7. In the Book of James, he seems to contradict Paul when talking about salvation - grace versus works. We have to accept grace, then do as God commands us to do. We are all sinners and cannot do anything to earn God's grace - it is a gift. James is telling us how to act after we become Christians. Faith works. If you have a legitimate it works always. your faith impacts your decisions. The works of God for us work in us.
There are 3 kinds of faith:
1) Dead faith - words without action. Lip service without sacrifice. Possess it but don't profess it. We prove our faith by action. If you were brought to trial to be a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
2) Demonic faith - recognition without repentance. You cannot show your faith unless you have deeds. Even demons believe there is one God! Recognition without repentance will do you no good Demons have a reaction to God - the Shudder!! We need to have a desire to serve God. We need to be careful that our faith does not waiver during these trying times. Don't let your faith grow cold.
3) Dynamic faith - belief transforming our behavior. James does not tell us what we want to hear, but what we need to order our life through our faith in Jesus Christ. Faith affects behavior. take for example Abraham. His faith and action worked together. Regardless of how difficult it would be to sacrifice his son, he followed God's will and was prepared to so. We want to be God's friend, so we need to act like it by following what He teaches Do you have trouble finishing what you started? Living out your faith is always a work in progress. Another example of faith was Rehab. She was a prostitute who saved the lives of the Israelite spies by hiding them and helping them escape. Rehab trusted God's people and became obedient to God, marrying and becoming an ancestor of Jesus. Now is not the time to let your faith cool off. God will give us ways to serve Him. Be creative - think of ways to validate your faith. Take small treats to your neighbors as a way to cheer them up, write cards to folks, make a phone call. What did you do this week because you are a Christian? What didn't you do??
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Summer Heat
I cannot believe that the hot weather of summer is already here - hopefully it will be the hottest here in S Texas while we are in AR. High 90's and 100 all of last week, with a shower or two to try to help it cool off ( a rain shower, not a personal shower). Everyone seems to be hunkered down in the house with a AC.
A wonderful week for Caring Hearts Ministry as there was an abundance of food both days. Friday was a big day with enough produce for at least 130 families. We are still practicing social distancing as we distribute the food. The heat of the day, even though we start early, makes the work a bit more difficult, but we have all prevailed. Friday was my day to bag - bagging sticky donuts for each family, the on to the prickly pear fruit that Mexican call tuna. Because they are prickly, I packaged 6 to a bag while wearing plastic gloves. The gloves were hot, the fruit prickly, and the plastic bags were almost impossible to open. But all was in good fun as we laughed through our trials! Some of the ladies were cleaning some of the 6 bags of onions we received - the outer layers needed to be peeled off to make sure the onion were good. It was really hot in the sun, so they improvised and used mango boxes for hats. (Almost looked like cheeseheads!) In the middle of all the busyiness and laughter, a resident dog decided to chase a cat through the area where the ladies were working with lots of growling and snarling going on. The ladies screeched and tried to get out of the way. The frenzied animals had already flew passed me before I realized what had been going on. to add to the confusion, the neighbor German Shepherd dog was tied up (he usually roams around us because I feed him all the donut scraps.) He is really very gentle and very carefully takes the offering from me. He was not happy, as he usually comes running when we drive in, and was almost crying because he know he was missing breakfast. As usual, the ladies brought horchata, the ever refreshing rice water drink.
our wonderful crazy ladies with their box sun hats
2 more of our residents passed away this week - both on the same day. Sweet Evie Van Norman who has been fighting cancer for over a year, and Jim Kastner, who has been not well for over 5 years now. We will attend a small private service for Jim on Wednesday. I tend to forget that we are all getting older and more frail as the years go on.
Are you prejudiced because of something that you cannot control? Your age, your gender, nationality, or race? God does not get caught up in outward appearances but looks at your hearts. Perhaps there is some good in online dating sites - folks usually communicate a bit before meeting in person. Maybe it is better to learn more about a person before committing to a relationship. In the Book of James, James warns us not to prejudge anyone because of what they look like. To prejudge means to have prejudice- judging unfairly. This is not a Christian attitude, Judging people based on externals is a sin. We need to be doers as well as hearers of the Word. We need to build bridges with everyone based on God's Word. Just because we heard something bad about someone we cannot allow that to prejudice us against them. How we speak to people or think about people may make us prejudge them. My late father-in-law was perhaps the most prejudiced man that I knew. He was from a small farming community and lived there all of his life, actually passing away on the farm he loved. But he absolutely hated those of a different race, even though he never had any contact with any of them whatsoever. I doubt that he ever saw one. Most of his thinking came from others who influenced him. I often wonder what he would have thought of our beautiful tri-racial granddaughter (and ever our bi-racial great grandchildren), as he passed away before any of them were born. I like to believe that he would have loved them unconditionally as he was a gentle man at heart. There are a few ways in which to not show favoritism. The first one is because it is consistent with the heart and character of God. It is also consistent with God"s heart to act like how we want to be treated. Remember the Golden Rule - treat others as how you want to be treated. Another reason not to be prejudiced is because it is a sin. Just breaking one commandment is the same as breaking all of them. And finally, being prejudiced affects how God judges us. Speak and Act. Say what you really believe through God's mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgement. We cannot earn mercy, it comes from God. Aren't you glad that God has given you mercy? You can show that happiness by showing mercy to others.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Do you like to read?? I read everything, always, constantly. I always have. When I was young a friend (after whom I was named) gave me the complete works of O. Henry for Christmas, before I even knew who O. Henry was. I must have read them many times over the years. I do not have them now - perhaps in all the moves we made, they got lost, sold, or given away. My brother received the complete works of Sherlock Holmes which I read after he went off to college and left them at home in the bookcase. Wonder I did not read them sooner?? We also had the My Book House series, a set of 12 books that started out with nursery rhymes and continued on up as the reading ability in increased. I also read them often. As a child in Chicago, we visited the library almost weekly - I must have read the Snick, Snack, Snirr and Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka books hundreds of times!! I have even read through the Bible several times. Now with the past few weeks of shelter at home I have been invading the library here at the park to find reading material. I read anything that catches my fancy at the time. I just finished an interesting book, Once Upon a Town. A story of North Platte, NE during the second World War. The troop trains came through this small town out in the middle of nowhere in NE and stopped for water. The troops were allowed to leave the train for 10, maybe sometimes 20 minutes while the locomotive filled up with water. The whole town and surrounding areas prepared sandwiches, bottles of milk coffee, and other treats and gifts for all the soldiers who were on their way West, and even those returning to the East. One day they served 7000 troops!! An unbelievable story. When I am waiting in a line, I read whatever is in my sight - I am sure some folks sitting at a desk thought I was peering at the papers on their desk - nope - just my insane desire to read anything.
Whoo - the temp right now is 105 degrees. No one is outside at all. If I wasn't writing this blog, I would be reading or sewing. When sorting through some things in order to clean out old projects, I came across an old clothespin bag from of my mother's. It probably was given out at a Home Show in the small town we lived in. Look at the phone number - only three numbers - and I am sure the telephone operator knew every number by heart and to whom it belonged. All of a sudden I remembered some fabric I had squirreled away - perhaps I would be able to incorporate this old clothespin bag into a quilt?? What do you think??
the fabric that I had on hand
the clothespin bag from the 50's
Another wonderful week serving the colonias. Both Tuesday and Friday distribution were blesssed with an abundance. A new item this week, frozen biscuit dough - it was starting to thaw out so we took each biscuit and rolled it into a ball and portioned it out 8 into each bag. Thank goodness for some of the ladies who helped with that sticky project. The week before last, Magdalena gave us 4 breakfast tacos with homemade tortillas, eggs, and chorizo. This week she gave us 4 more - only this time the taco was more like a gordita with eggs and cactus. Very good and a great lunch for us after we finished with the distribution. We love our ladies!! As we were traveling on Friday to pick up our food, there was a beautiful moon, sliding in and out of the clouds. The pictures do not do it justice.
Continuing in the book of James, Pastor Vance compared it with the violence and anger that abounds in the country today. James 2:8 says "If you truly keep the royal law found in Scripture, "love your neighbor as yourself", you are doing right". Right now we are doing the right things to end the spread of the contagious virus, but anger is also contagious. We need to get control of the anger that is spreading all over our country right now. It is spreading as fast as any disease can. We need to get control and set the right tone for our country. We need to slow down and look to God's grace at this time. Don't be overcome by the temptation of ignoring God's goodness during this trying rime. Anger is considered a secondary emotion. The environment of our country today sets the stage for this emotion to surface. More important than the fact of trying to be right, we need to concentrate on retaining the relationship in the world. If someone loses in any relationship, everyone loses. We often think our own opinions are the right one, so we get caught up in a turmoil of emotion. "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry,because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God deserves. Therefore, get rid of all the moral filth and the evil that so so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you" James 1:19-21. These verses are not hard to understand, but are hard to implement. We need to be stirred up to understand this. "In your anger, do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry and do not give the devil a foothold". Ephesians 4:26-27. To the day she died, my mother carried this guilt, as she and my father had an argument in which she went to bed angry. During the night he got up and had a blood clot and fell over dead. She often preached to my and my daughters about this. I tried to help her understand that God forgave her and she needed to forgive herself, but I really do not think she ever did. Don't stew in anger or you will give the devil a foothold. Hurt people tend to hurt people. When you hold in your anger, you do the opposite of: be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. It becomes slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to become angry. This does not lead to a righteous person. When you act like this, it becomes an unhealthy pattern. When you cannot get your anger under control, you cannot hear God. God does not speak to the humble. Go to Him in a humble attitude and He will hear you. When you feel the angry juices flow think quick, slow, slow. Act in the Word of God. A camera, mirror, and the Word of God helps us to see who we really are. We need to keep ourselves from being polluted by the world. Go out and look after those in need, love God, love others,and serve others.
Continue to pray for our country to turn itself around and begin to love each other again.
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