Hooray- found my church Bible this morning - I had given it to the ushers with the song books last week and it as put away on a shelf of seldom used songbooks. Some kind gentleman came this morning after church while Fred was talking to Pastor Jim's wife and Fred saw it in his hand. He did not tell me until after we left the church
and I saw my Bible lying on the dash. I so missed not having it - it was not very expensive, but contained notes and lots of notations and underlinigs of Scripture. Now I do not feel so lost.
tYesterday we went into a new colonia area where the folks there were very poor - more so than the one we normally serve every Friday. 30 families were expected, but only about 20-25 showed up - which was OK as they perhaps will tell others and we will have more families to serve the next time. It was a tiring day, as there were not as nearly as many workers, so we did a lot of physical setting up, serving, and cleaning up It was all well worth the effort as we saw the looks of gratitude on every one's faces. God is so good as He provids, we are just the vessels which pour out His blessings on others.
The beautiful young lady's where we had the distribution - she looks so young. We think she has 4 children and no spouse in sight. |
three of her children |
getting ready for folks - notice the "yard"- dirt |
listening to the Christian music |
reading from Scripture for the adults - in the background Ida having a Christian based children's craft session |
eating a luncheon of hot dogs, (served with mayo and catsup if desired), chips, cupcakes, and a drink |
again, shopping colonia style - also handing out large bottles of water - all of these clothes were gone |
handing out blankets - the type you get in hospital - not fluffy colorful ones but they certainly will ward off the cold or perhaps act as curtains. Although, I noticed the windows are often all bordered up due to breakage, or maybe perhaps insulation. It is very depressing. |
lots of blankets - the kids are carrying the 2 gifts each child received.
We had a an open house on our home yesterday, which worked out perfectly as we were going to be gone all day anyway.We did list it with the real estate for more coverage. There were 2 coiples and a single lady who came to see it - all said it was very nice but so far no offers yet. We just put this in God's hands and are letting Him decide when it is time for us to return to NW Arkansas.
Another great sermon this morning with Pastor Jim Maxson . His topic was "Code Yellow" which had me confused for a bit. "President Bush signed Homeland Security Presidential Directive 3, (after 911) creating the Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS). The advisory system will be the foundation for building a comprehensive and effective communications structure for the dissemination of information regarding the risk of terrorist attacks to all levels of government and the American people." This means of communication is 5 levels - red, blue, yellow, orange, and red. The yellow is a sign of significnt risk. The Bible also allows for an alert system for us in our Christian walk. A 7 step waring system appears in Hebrews. Drifting is one of them. When we think of drift, we think of drifting in a boat, ether on purpose on because of other reasons. Supposedly we all grow smarter every day, but we still continue to drift in our daily lives. The USA was founded on the Holy Scriptures, but today has drifted far from those principals. This is mainly because of a lack of devotion . Even large denominations have drifted because of a lack of devotion to God. Have we lost the burning force and the passion to reach our nation? Our Christianity can grow cold as we, too, become content in our comfortable life. Churches drift after they first start, are new and on fire for the Lord, and continue to grow. . Thy become complacent and tend to become lukewarm in their present state. We as believers can also drift. When we met Jesus for the first time we could not wait to tell others and try to show them the happiness and peace that follow accepting Jesus as Savior. But then our heart can grow from hot to lukewarm to sometimes cold. The definition of drifting is having no direction or course. Have we lost our course in our Christianity? The threat to us is deadly because drifting can be dangerous. It means going with the flow, following the crowd. A man cannot be bought who is already sold. Are you sold to God? God uses 3 things to get our attention - tragedy, death, and His Word. Our deliverance from drifting is that we must pay more attention,- hear the message and pay attention to it's meaning in spite of the storm. Will your anchor hold or will your anchor hold on to you? What color is your alert today?
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