ringing the reindeer
Sunday night we attended Candlelight services at Mission Bell with Pastor Jim Maxson. A very beautiful service as always - raising the burning candles in a darkened room singling "Silent Night" always makes us so thankful for God's greatest gift to us. Afterwards we visited friends for awhile before a much needed rest - affter we opened presents, of course. Our girls always send us stocking stuffers - a tradition we started years ago when they were little. They also carry it on with their children and grandchildren.
Christmas day dawned cool, but beautiful. We relaxed a bit in the morning, then had dinner with friends, after which we returned to their home for dessert of homemade apple pie and ice cream (tipped with a bit of real Wisconsin maple syrup. I was going to buy a pie from a local grocery who makes theirs in house ( I cannot make a pie crust flaky and tasteful ). Christmas Eve day the neighbor lady came to the door with just out of the oven fresh homemade apple pie (made with good Wisconsin apples). What a wonderful gift! She saved us from a store bought one.
Thursday Fred again went on some pick-up and delivery in preparation for Saturday. We spent the entire week in preparation, but so very worth it. Saturday started out with a chilly breeze, but soon developed into a beautiful day with 150 families in attendance. We packaged food packages, including the donated canned hams and many cans of food, along with beans, lentils, and rice. In no time we were no longer cold!! The dinner arrived - tamales (over 3000 of them - yes 3000) along with a delicious macaroni/corn salad, and lots of gaucamole made from the avocados we had received the day before. After a brief introduction, the minister presented a sermon, as the kiddos had a craft session. We then ate and the fun began. Each child received 2 wrapped gifts - with many thanks to another ministry and those that we had received. We are talking about approximately 400 gifts!! God always provides. Then the ladies were allowed to "shop" the colonia ropa way, and received a box of the food we packed and a large bottle of water. Everyone was totally exhausted afterwards, as we made our way back to Alamo. I was dropped off to have a pedicure (I had put it off so long that I was almost embarrassed to go in and have it done). A very compassionate and gentle young man took care of my feet, as well as giving me a warming and soothing foot massage! I do love to pamper myself one in awhile. Fred took our friends home as they helped us with the distribution, unhooked the trailer and returned to pick me up. A long day, but what a wonderful feeling as we watched all of those receive the benefit of wonderful giving folks. Some of the ladies mentioned to Ida that the food we provide helps them get through the week to feed their family, as some of the government help has been reduced. I had reminded them that all of this was from the Lord, we are just the vessels of His handiwork.

280# rice
one of the 150 hams we received
hard working ladies - packing food
food packages ready to distribute
large bottles of water to give away
part of the crowd
waiting for the party to begin
homemade tamales
the excitement of receiving presents
see her smile
receiving water and food packages
shipping - colonia ropa style
After resting a bit, we went with our neighbor, and Fred's cousin, to Hildago to see all of the the lights. She is a widow and did not want to go alone, so we drove so she could enjoy all of the brilliance. It was difficult to get good pictures as were were driving along, but it was spectalaur
a beautiful sunset on our drive to Hildago
a winter wonderland
just a small portion of the lights
Church again this morning with Pastor Jim as he reminded us of what necessities really are. We are often astounded at the affluence of the rich and famous - as Arnold Schwarzenegger spending $5000 on just one pair of specially made shoes! But they are not the richest people in the world. In spite of our differences with them, we all get to see the same sunrise and sunset and the same beautiful moon hung in the evening sky. We feel blessed because we have more than 1 pair if shoes and pants, and more than one shirt or blouse. What we see sometimes as "necessities" such as food, clothing, and a roof over our head are not available to everyone in this world. What is the greatest state in which to live?? The state of contentment. Are we content with what we have??
What are your spiritual necessities? Some think it is going to church a couple of times a month.
One of the necessities of spiritual life is to live sincerely. Sincere love demonstrates the meaning of love, whether or not money is involved. "Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. ... But the greatest of these is love."I Corinthians 13. Understanding love in Scripture is actually true contentment. Our county leads the world with all the evil there is in the world. We banned Christ from our schools and government. America has thumbed her nose at God. If we stand for Christ, we must stand against evil but our stand must be respectable. Another way our love shows is to serve zealously. We need to love and serve someone when they seem to need it the most, when they are at their lowest point, Agape love. But we also must hate - strongly hate evil. This is something that was commanded by God. Love the sinner, but hate the sin Take a stand against the evil of the world. Loving is about living - standing for Christ and serving others.
Everyone have a very happy and prosperous coming year. What is your New Year's resolution? To love more and be content.
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