This was a busy and tiring week as we had annual board meeting of CRMI and training g for new chaplains. All day sessions of videos, discussion, devotions, and singing praises to the Lord, lead by Suzy and Greg York. At the board meeting, I formally resigned as treasurer and passed the honors on to Shairon Dickey, who proved to be a perfect replacement after only one day of training ( yes we worked that in too). It was good to see those that we have not seen in awhile as well as welcoming our new chaplains. Not to mention the great food all week!
A great group

Chaplain Roy Gee giving the opening devotion. The weather took a drastic change as we had a cold front move in - the mornings are cool - around 50ish but then warms up to about 80 in the evening. Really perfect weather for the return of the "snowbirds" from the North! They are slowly trickling in to our park - by next week we should have a big influx. Fun to see old friends returning but it will be sad as we will be missing others. Brag time as I post a picture of our newest greatgrand daughter born just a few weeks ago. She is such a precious gift from God.
Sweet Veda. This morning's pop verse is from if 10:13 "I can do all things through God who gives me strength". A depth of meaning in this verse that can change your life. We often are so stressed that we want off the train of daily living. How can we find daily strength in Christ. Why is the strength not there even if we pray? The secret of feeling content is to Be Content in you life. We can do all things in life if we rely on Christ and lear on our relationship with Him. Let go of what you think you have and do what you can for Christ. Use you strength to serve the Lord instead of the world. If you truly want strength change your perspective Focus on God and everything else will fall into place. You will have when you do. The more you bless the more blessed you will be. When we get busy living in Christ we get busy dying to the world.
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