On Saturday we attended the last Mexican Fiesta at CHI/RIN in Reynosa, Mexico. The day was a bit dreary and cold, with some of the folks absent as the Texas crud is again striking in the parks. We had a slight delay, as when we were ready to leave (with Fred driving a van)as I asked my last question before we left was, "everyone have their passports?". Oh no, one lady did not have hers nor her driver's license. She and a friend left the van. but called her husband who said he would run home and get it and be there in a few minutes. We are so happy we waited, as he soon arrived and we were on our way. We were granted grace and mercy as we crossed the border with no red lights. If we received a red light that meant that we had to pull into the inspection area. Usually , it does not amount to much as they ask a few questions in Spanish and we just shrug our shoulders as if we do not understand and point to the CHI sign on the vehicle. Luckily, we just drove on through customs and on to the refuge. We took a tour with those who were new, visiting a casa with kids in it, the new remodeled casa almost done (this will complete the total 7 casa remodelings), a short tour of the grounds as it was cold, and headed to the auditorium where Besty promised us treats! There were all sorts of Mexican candies and nuts for us to try. The kids then presented a program, and we were served tamales, beans, Mexican bar-be-que (different from ours but very good), and chalupas with varying degrees of hot salsa. We walked over to the gym and were again presented with a program of Mexican dances, and of course, the breaking of the pinata. Our dessert was then served - chocolate flan. Again very different, but good. We got to visit with Pati whom we sponsor and have for 10 years now. We will help celebrate her ollege graduation soon - she then will be a Mexican lawyer - different than our lawyers, but a very respected position in Mexico. We left early enough, but did have a 1-1/2 hour wait on the bridge coming back to the US. I always have extra water for those in the van, as well as a book for me to read.
treats from the left: sweet peanuts (there were also very spicy hot ones), coconut candy, the round was a goat's milk caramel, the roll was a guava roll, the little round was marzipan (very different from the marzipan we are used to), and mango tamarind. Even a peanut brittle which was like a hard sweet nut roll. All very good - was a bit apprehensive about the goat's milk caramel, but it was super delicious |
last festival of the year |
the sword dance with real swords for the older guys |
the ribbon dance which wound the ribbon around the pole |
some of the newer kids and their partners |
a wedding dance |
Johnny, one of the four boys who came a few years ago with lots of baggage - they are all so well adjusted now |
the older kids having fun - they then pulled someone out the audience to dance with - yep - I was chosen (I think Fred and Pati were somehow involved in this) |
Pati and her partner |
the old man's dance - so funny |
the kids really love this one |
the end of the Mexican hat dance |
the pinata almost broken - a few candies fell out |
breaking it the rest of the way
Mother Nature is really raising havoc with the country - all the rain, snow, and flooding in areas where it has never flooded before (whoever heard of flooding in Nebraska?). Please pray for all of those in danger's way - also for the winter Texans returning home that there is no damage to their homes and property.
It is getting quiet here in the park as the Winter Texans leave - every day seems like an exodus. Many will remain for awhile yet to eep us company - some have purchased property and will remain all year so we will not be totally deserted.
A month or so ago, I wrote an"Inspiration" for the Welcome Home Winter Texan weekly paper. Our CRM chaplains all write these devotions and they are printed throughout the season. I heard from a few folks about it, so thought I would reprint it here.
What is
happiness? If you ask 100 people what
happiness is or what makes them happy, you will probably receive 100 different
answers. If you look up happiness in the dictionary you will read: “happiness
is the state of being happy”. No help there. Happiness is a mental or emotional
state of mind ranging from contentment to euphoria, depending on where you are
at the moment. Psalm 144, verse 15 says, “Happy are the people who are in such
a state: happy are the people whose God is the Lord”. God’s people were living
in a time when their barns were full, their livestock were productive, and there
was peace in the villages. They were happy, living in a time of abundance. Palm
144 is all about praising God for His grace and provision.
What makes
you happy? Are you so wound up in worldly happenings and possessions, thinking
that the more you possess the happier
you are? Or are you happy and content that Jesus is our Savior, the Lord of Lord
and King of Kings who died for our personal salvation. Yes, He died for YOU as
well as me and everyone else. The book of Psalms refers to happiness many
times. Psalm 3:13 says “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who
gains understanding”. Wisdom is not
found in reading books or listening to the news. Wisdom is reading God’s word
until you really know and understand it. Wisdom is knowing that God wants you
to live His word as well as read it: to make it a part of your daily life. God
wants you to be happy. When you gain wisdom from the Lord you will live in
total happiness and contentment. Life presents many mountains and valleys that
may make us happy beyond belief, or it may leave us depressed. How we deal with
every situation in life depends on how we trust the Lord – He is always with
us. Rejoice and be happy in every areas of your lives because He lives!
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