Bob Steele - chairman of the CHI board and the lovely ladies of Casa 3
Last week I posted that I would tell you about the wonderful Christmas party at Children's Haven in Reynosa, Mexico. 4 van loads of us traveled across the border (and back) with no problems whatsoever, except for a longer wait at the border, which I did not mind as the border guards were being cautious. We arrived just in time to receive instructions form director Betsy Chicon ( as she always has for us). We were not to go to the casas where out kids were but to gather in the gym where we were told that the kids were excited to see us in their own casas with wonderful supp rises for us.They had made ornaments for us from pasta! They we so very pretty and ornate and they were so proud to present them to us. Each casa had a presentation of a typical Mexican Christmas food and drink tradition also made with the help of their Tias (housemothers or aunt in Spanish). Casa 1 had a star or tree ornament (we were instructed to take only one), Mexican Christmas cookies - you know - the small ones coated in powdered sugar. There was a pecan flavored cornstarch drink. Sounds dreadful, but was really very good. Casa 2 had a flower or wreath ornament, champurrado - a hot thick Marxian drink made of corn masa and chocolate (which I did not particularly like, perhaps due to the thickness of it,), and popcorn. Casa 3 presented us with a shepherds crook ornament, Mexican Christmas punch, which was super delicious (a fruit drink with real fruit in it), and Mandarin orange slices. Casa 4 had stars and hearts ornaments, typical Mexican hot chocolate ( a strong chocolate/cinnamon drink), churros which a long skinny Mexican donut (very good). Casa 5 is not lived in at the moment but is used for the church plant for Sunday services - the kiddo now do not have to go out of the compound to church - a much safer way to worship. Casa 6 is being renovated right now - the last of the 7 casas to be remodeled. Casa 7 held the Holy Family ornament, including a baby Jesus in swaddling clothing. We tasted an assortment of nuts -some sweet tasting and some very spicy hot, followed by a strawberry maicena - a cornstarch drink which I had to sort of force down! We were allowed a bit of time to visit the kids, as we were on a time
schedule to be ale to return to the US before dark. We returned to the gym where we were served by the kids a dinner of a beef roll, covered with bacon, the ever present green noodles, veggies, and dinner rolls (no butter or salt). The kids had made a video based on the Christmas story using each letter of the alphabet to tell the story. - it was excellent. They had worked so hard on it, even speaking in English!! Our Pati had a non-speaking part as she does not like to speak English (she thinks it is way too hard to learn). She played the part of Mary to perfection. You can go to their face book page to view the video - these kids learned and perfected this video in less than 2 weeks. They were so anxious to show is their accomplishments. After all of this excitement we were ushered out onto the patio where the kids were presented with their Christmas gifts - that is when all chaos breaks out. Each child received 1 large, 2 medium, and 1 small gift according to their wish list. We were all so won out, including the kids, as we bid farewell (adios) to the kids until we see them again soon. I know they will sleep well tonight knowing that they are cared for and loved all through the generosity of many of you.
loading up and ready to head to Mexico |
Fred, Pati, and me |
lovely Carolina, who could not walk when she came to the refuge but through surgeries and therapy, she now can walk with the help of a cane. She is returning to her family now after a few years here at the refuge. |
Some of the homemade ornaments |
the beautiful senoritas in Casa 3 with their houseparents |
Mexican cookies and pecan mecina |
popcorn anyone |
churros, hot chocolate, and heart ornaments |
bacon wrapped beef, green noodles, and veggies |
I envy Pati's red shoes |
Big presents |
our Pati and her presents - one more year of college and she will be a lawyer!!! |
lots of presents
This young boy has disabilities that make walking difficult - he received a special present of a motorized scooter so he could easily get around, with a promise that he would not let anyone else use it - he promised
I am going to reprint a meditation sent to me by a friend in Arkansas. He sends us one almost every day but this one really struck me as being so apporpiate
Everybody needs a coach or mentor. Tom Landry, the Dallas cowboy head coach for nearly 30 years said, "the job of a football coach is to make players do what they do not want to do in order to achieve what they always wanted to be". We do not always want to pay the price necessary to become who we are destined to be. On our own we don't always know what to change or even how to make the changes that are necessary to grow In our relationship with Jesus. Who we associate with is who we will become. If you want to be wise and become more Christlike, find someone who is where you want to go. Look for Godly qualities in their life. Then listen to them and implant their counsel. As you walk through life consider the company that you keep and make adjustments in those relationships so that nothing holds you back from becoming the person that God wants you to be. Taken from
A Minute of Vision for Men by Roger Patterson.
How very true this is. Do you sometimes find yourself with a group of people who are not very Christianlke and all of a sudden you are acting like them - becoming like them. When you realize what has happened your value in their eyes decreases - they wonder of all Christians act like that! Step away from these people - when a group begins to gossip do not join in - just quietly excuse yourself and leave. If they enjoy telling off color jokes do not join in the laughter - again just leave. These people are not your friends if the try to involve you in the their unchristian behavior. Surround yourself with Christian friends - you will find your life so much more peaceful.
Join me in prayer for two very special people in our lives - friend Paula Gee who has had several infections and misery this year here in S Texas - she is heading back to Joshua, Texas, again for a doctor's consultation. And our dear sister-in-law Susan Preuss, who will be having open heart surgery this week on Wednesday. She lost her husband 3 years ago (Fred's brother) and needs all the love, support, and prayers that are sent her way.
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