I think I mentioned that one of our chaplains moved a shed (donated) into the colonias to transform into a sleeping area for the boys of Brenda, where we distribute commodities on Friday. God performed miracles int the renovation of that shed. Some wonderful folks donated $500 to remodel it into a comfortable sleeping quarters. Chaplain Jim moved it into place, and decided that it needed a
door, of course. A lady donated an RV door, perfect as it already had a screen door attached. As he was
installing it, with the help of another volunteer, the volunteer's wife said a window was needed - so she bought it for him. Jim then put the window in, painted the shed, and added the trim around the door and window, all with donated or left over materials. He really wanted to insulate it, but the cost was really intense. A few
weeks later, his park renovated all of the old ceiling tiles - yep perfect insulation. God said to be still and wait! God provided it. He added the insulation - 3 panels thick, and still had enough left over for Jessica's added bedroom which was built this fall by the same folks. Jim's park also makes mattresses - upholstery fabric,with "tunnels sewed in the length of it. These tunnels are then stuffed with plastic bags ( over 900 of them ). They make serviceable and comfortable mattresses for the bunk beds Fred is now building! We were donated 4 of them - just enough for two bunk beds. Our Miss Opal, who wants to be in involved in the ministry, donated left over gray paint to paint the "bedroom" - enough of it is left to paint the beds. I love this story of how God had His hands on this whole project - anticipation what was needed and then providing it. Oh, the shed was originally used to store hay - as Jim said on Friday of the shed - "from a stable to room at the inn". Amazing isn't it?
the completed bedroom -notice the walkway and railings added for safety, also the washing machine outside - that is where the clothed are washed - the machine is filled with the water hose and then drained onto the yard when done |
yep - even electricity - one bulb and outlet so that the cord is not overloaded |
looks wonderful - the window and door are strategicely placed to allow for cross ventilation |
Fred and Jim discussing details on where the bunk beds are going - and the ever
so friendly yard dog
mattresses - 4 of them ready for the beds |
if needed the boys can sleep on the mattresses on the floor until the beds arrive - most likely they sleep on the floor in a very dilapidated trailer now
Our new Tuesday distribution is going so well - over 60 families feed. There were boxes of clothing in storage Tharp we put out for the ladies to take home. Ida bound these coverall and immediately put them on to work - even though is was pretty warm out. She is modeling them here along with a couple of ladies who help with the distribution.
the first church was under the trees and so our ministry on Tuesdays started under a tree also - look at all of the tomatoes on the left - the boxes and totes in front are full of clothes. There is Ida in her new coveralls!
We were so thrilled at an answer to another prayer - Mary, our friend and worker here at the park, has raised over $5000 in order order to have her surgery for tongue cancer. She will have the surgery on Friday - PTL.
Friday distribution is back on a"normal" (whatever that is ) schedule as we fed over 130 families. God is so good - He keeps blessings us with more opportunities to tell others about His majesty and power.
it was cold Friday morning as the ladies prepared the boxes to give away
our helper, Doug, is back to work - now we await our other fearless worker, Dean
lots of donuts, or "pan" pronounced pon
Today's sermon seemed to be directed at us more mature (read "older") folks. Do you feel old today - your muscles are tight, your back aches, you keep forgetting things. Facing our fears also include the fear of aging but death is the only way to escape aging. Aging is a reality for everyone . From the minute we are born, we are aging - much faster in our young years, but a continual process. Age brings change. It can bring joy but also bring uncertainly. Aren't we all in the denial of aging? Oh, I just forgot that,but it happens too often. We have to think awhile to recall names places, and sometimes dates. Do you fear the uncertainty of the next step, or are you prepared to enjoy the thought of eternity with the Father? Not only do we fear the uncertainty of death, but we are sometimes in denial of the aging process in our parents, or especially our children. I want to see my grandchildren and great grant children grow up - to see what kind of individuals they will become. But that is impossible. Let us live in the present day - face the uncertainty of aging with hope, faith, and the knowledge that aging comes with change and we an change with it.
We are asking prayers for an unspoken prayer request - a request that, too, faces uncertainty.
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