A pretty much beautiful week in NW Arkansas, despite the rain and cooler weather. Lots of gardens producing small shoots of veggies and flowers, farmer's markets in full force, and cook-outs all over. Saturday our youngest daughter and I went to the Farmer's Market on the Fayetteville Square - I have mentioned it before as absolutely amazing. Not only a farmer's market but a place for folks to display their talents in wood working, spinning, soap making, wooden utensil crafting, as well as fresh bakery of all kinds. I bought some lovely fresh asparagus, radishes, a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers and patchouli soap (for myself) A wonderful pace to just get out and enjoy the day, although it was very crowded. Everyone and their dogs were there. I was strolling along when this huge dog was behind me and started growing and snarling. I was startled - the owner apologized saying her dog did no like other dogs. Hmm, why was she there with any other dogs and their owners?
Gorgeous sunflowers |
a spinner spinning some beautiful soft wool - I keep practicing and maybe I can perfect it |
lots of veggies - many different colors of cauliflower |
a local banjo player playing "Old McDonald's Farm" for the kids
strolling the square - the site of the old post office
making wooden utensil's from logs!
Saturday evening we went with friends to a relatives home where there was an afternoon trail ride (we did not indulge in that) after which was a cowboy cookout with bar-be-que brisket, ribs, (sooo good), hot dogs, cornbread, onions, beans, and many other side dishes. The dessert table was groaning with cakes, cobbler's, cookies, and other calorie free items (ya right). Afterwards we were treated to some very talented guys playing and singing country music. It was amazing to see the men just decide on a song and play it without music. If you check my face book page, I posted a video of one of the songs, but the highlight of it all was a tiny guy (about 18 mo old) dancing and "Swinging" to the beat of the music. It was a beautiful evening in NW Arkansas in the early dusk with the sun shining on the hay fields and mountains

pickin and singin on the porch of the cook shack
Our daughter and her husband are so crafty - they have made their patio chairs, benches, tables, etc, as well as doormats - you name it, Anyway, Christine panted her herbs in an old step ladder - so cool.
a great idea
This morning found us back in Prairie Grove Christian Church I love Pastor Vance's sermons - cannot explain it but they keep me mesmerized. His sermon this morning, taken from Luke 8:40-56 talks about two desperate people: a synagogue leader, Jarirus, with a dying daughter and a women shunned by society because of her bleeding problem. The leader's daughter was 12 years old, the woman has had this problem for 12 years. Jairus knew Jesus had returned to preach and heal others and perhaps heard Him preaching in the synagogue, while the woman should not have even been in the crowd as she was deemed unclean. Both needed Jesus to perform a miracle for them: both had faith. No one is to powerful to need Jesus, no one is to bad that Jesus cannot change their lives. As in the woman's case, we also cannot let anyone keep us away from Jesus. Many people are casual about Jesus, but not intentional. The woman took the risk of being in a place where she was unwanted to be able to ask Jesus to heal her. She was intentional. Jesus is more interested in relationship with you than just fixing your problem. We need to expose all of our sins to Him and we will be free. He wants us to tell others what He has done in our lives When something unclean touches something clean, it becomes unclean. But when Jesus touches our unclean humanity, we become clean. Come to Jesus in your desperation. Let your desperate situation turn you toward Him - build that relationship. Read the verses to see all of the story.
Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers, Grandmothers, etc. And Happy Mother's Day to all those puppy mothers, and those who have no children of their own but are indeed mothers to all.
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