We had a memorial service here at the park for those who passed away last year. It was very nice, an extremely beautiful service actually. There were not as many this year as last, but many of whom I knew personally. The congregation lit a small votive and placed it on a specially made cross when the name of a loved one was called. Some of our departed brothers and sisters had many who honored them with candles - those who were not represented received a candle in their honor from one of the ushers.
We have been working overtime it seems with the Caring Hearts Ministry - God seems to be blessing us beyond belief. The more we distribute, the more He seems to bless us with. It was very cold and rainy a week or so ago yet over 100 folks showed up to receive their distribution. We now know that we are expected every Friday no matter what the weather or circumstances. Please pray with us as we try to find a trustworthy person to be able to take over for us when we are gone in the summer. Fred's greatest fear when he was in the hospital was in he would not be able to have everything available for the Christmas distribution. He said he knew he was going to have a good Christmas, he wanted those we serve to have one also. God listened and he was released in time to have everything delivered on time as well as allowing us to be able to be there, too. A bit of a rush and busy few days - but it was certainly worth it to see the smiles on every one's faces.
Great grandma brag time - last Sunday we were blessed with our second great grandson ( we have 4 granddaughters and two grandsons, 4 great granddaughters and now two great grandsons!). He is so adorable - cannot wait to see him in person in the summer.

Mr. Grumpy Pants headed home.
Today we attended services at Lakewood RV Park with Chaplain Lee Tracy preaching. Of course, Miss Opal was with us. She is a resident here at the park, and goes to church wherever we go and tags along on our Sunday errands - she even went to visit residents at the rehab with us after church today. Chaplain Lee's sermon "They Thought They Were Right" was so right on target. How many times have you gone down the wrong road, only to discover your mistake? Have you ever wondered if you are truly on the right path? People all over the world think they have it right, then then begin to have doubts and second thoughts. When there is a big change in our path it seems to have the most memorable effect on our lives. It is true today as it was in Biblical times. Paul though he was doing it all right - he was a Pharisee, followed all the laws to the letter, he was certainly intelligent as he was well educated and thought he was flawless. Then he met God on the road to Damascus and his live totally turned around. It became the beginning of Saul's (who then became Paul) life in Christ, which was the direct opposite of his former life. He went from knowing about God to knowing God - from man's way to Jesus' way. Be ready to open the door and let Jesus in - stand on God's wisdom.
How are your New Year's resolutions coming along. So far I have tried to be better - not bitter. Sometimes bitter sneaks into my mind, but then I strive to be better.
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