The Christmas season has descended upon us like a storm - one day it is a beautiful fall Thanksgiving day, and then the rain and cooler weather set in - along with all the Christmas lights and music. I did get most of my Christmas cards written yesterday, a package ready to send out, and found my Manneheim Steamroller Cd's, along with The Cinnamon Bear, a 27 day radio program from the 40's that we as kids listened to in Chicago (I think the department store Wiebolt's broadcast it) . My husband said, "Oh, no, it's time for the bear". This morning we went to Chaplain Roy Gee's service, then on to other errands, winding up at JoAnn's fabric store which just opened up. A friend, Miss Opal, bought lots of Christmas fabric for projects - I was looking for a generic baby fabric for our great grandchild due in June - but decided to wait until we knew if it was a boy or girl. I did find some 1/2 price pieces for a quilt I have in mind.
We loaded two vehicles to take to the church in the colonias for the large Christmas distribution in a few weeks. Roy and Paula Gee's Big Valley Park ladies made over 100 stockings and filled them with toys and other items for the kids in the colonias, as well as numerous items, such as clothing, blankets, and toiletries. Bob and Barbara Ostermier's Ranchero Village Park with the help of Linda Smith has started collecting small hams as well. So many will be blessed this season.
me with a Waddle (yes, a group of penguins on land is called a waddle) of penguins destined for Christmas presents - these were supposed to be new dog toys from CHI's resale store - too pretty for dogs. |
a truck full |
as well as a van and trailer-thanks to the help from Leonard from our park, as Fred cannot do much yet |
soup stock, baby food, peaches, and Mandarin oranges |
Fred, Leonard, and Roy getting ready to caravan to the colonias |
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel Church, where most of the commodities, gifts, etc. are stored until distribution after they leave our house. |
part of this generous church |
Sister, Ida, and Paula with some of the beautiful filled stockings |
discussing how to portion out clothes, toiletries, blankets, additional candy, and toys
I am celebrating my birthday week this coming week - yep - stole an idea form a friend and celebrate all week. Have one fun shopping day scheduled ,a luncheon with a friend, as well as a CHI luncheon (which is not really My birthday celebration, but still a party).My brother and Steve sent me an amazing chocolate house made in Memphis from Dinstuhls fine candy store. The chimney was delicious. I am so happy that my mother did not take the advice of others and name me Pearl!!!
tastes amazing as it looks
Chaplain Roy's sermon this morning was based on Matthew5:13-16 - we are the salt and light of the earth. Can you imagine what life after death is all about - the one who died for us will be in heaven with us. We with our earthly minds cannot even fathom this idea. Could you gather up enough people to prove that you are a Christian?? Yes, you act like one, talk like one, but where is the proof. Perhaps we are too quiet about our Christianity - not talking about it to anyone. we need to do this. The disciples were with Jesus nd went about the world proclaiming the Jesus was the Son of God, the Savior of the World. We are called to proclaim this good news - we don't have to go around Bible thumping everyone we see, but just telling others how Jesus came into our lives to make us believers. We need to do this because He commands us to do so. We need to listen to the Master as we are ambassadors to Him - to promote Christianity because we are powered by the Holy Spirit. You don't have to go around wearing a sign around your neck, or carrying a sign - just simply saying Merry Christmas can open up a whole dialog. Don't put your light under a bushel and hide it - let it shine for Jesus, especially during this Holy Season. Do people see Jesus in us - do we take church with us as we leave Sunday morning??? The same spirit that rose Jesus from the grave lives in us!!!
Enjoy this very blessed season - marvel in the lights and carols - visit family and friends, and sing praise to God.
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