The hummingbirds are migrating but nothing like we had a few years ago - guess they found a better route. We have had at least 8 or more everyday, keeping me busy filling feeders. The other day I cam home from volunteering at CHI and the little guys were chirping at me as I got out of the car - the feeder was empty!!!! How dare I! So I immediately filled the extra one (we always have a clean one on hand for emergency refills) and hung it up. Hardly before I got the ladder down, they were back, I could almost hear them, "mmmmm, fresh cold nectar". One feeder holds 4 cups, the other only 2 cups, so we have to keep close watch - they need filling daily.
protecting their territory - I thought I had captured a bunch of them, but they scoot around so fast guess I missed them |
"go find your own dinner table" |
this guy did get in a few mouthfuls before being driven off |
"my house, my food"
We took a trip to Mexico on Saturday to pick up a few things for others as well as a few get away time for us. The weather was cool and wonderful so we thought it would be a great day for a short trip. Seems as if everyone else thought so too - I have never seen it so crowded so I asked if there was something special going on - a festival or celebration of some sort. Nope - just a beautiful day to to be out shopping. The street vendors and hawkers were in full force - I got tired of shaking my head no. More people on the streets than even when the Winter Texans are here.
Lots of Winter Texans (friends and residents) are scheduled to return this coming week. Even the water birds seem to think it is time to return to our park, as the lake is beginning to show lots of activity with ducks, egrets, and even the ibis' (at least that's what I think they are).
I am on the soap box again, but this time it is very short - all of this gutter garbage that has been dragged up is disgusting. I have only one thing to say "he who is without sin cast the first stone". Let's get on with the issues please.
We are pretty busy with everything starting to come alive with the new winter season. CRM Fall Conference - training for CRM chaplains old and new, CRMI board meetings, planning for the ladies conference (which I am so very excited about - more later), as well as holiday celebrations in the colonias, for kids was well as adults. Need to check my schedule every day to make sure I don't miss anything! We love the activity and the ability to do as God has led us to.
Today's sermon really hit home as Pastor Robert talked about what is home and where is it? Many people say home is where the heart is, but oftentimes that is not the case. Moving pains can be awful, especially if it not of your choice. Most of the time it it is not certainly fun to move - sure the excitement of a new surroundings, environment, and friends is an adventure. But the sometimes homesickness sets in - I have suffered from this at times. It is a longing for what we had, what we did, who we knew, a comfortable way of life. Many are forced to flee their homes - their country because of political unrest, flee their homes because of natural forces (hurricanes, floods). The people of Israel were forced to flee their homes by King Nebuchadnezzar - they were taken away from familiar things in order to displace them. Jeremiah wrote from their former home to a taken people. Don't we sometimes feel that way?? That we were taken from our comfortable homes and displaced. God told the Israelites to adjust - to build homes, to plant the native grains, to have children and raise them in their new home. God took what was a bad thing and made it good. Just as He takes us in our time of displacement and makes it good. Home is where we are - we become a settled people not a carried people, just as the Israelites were. Your heart has nothing to do with your home. Your home is where you are right now. Instead of longing for what was or could have been, make your home where you are now. He wants to use us right where we are - it really doesn't cure the homesickness but does help us to be at home anywhere.
There are times when we really get homesickness - where we feel our heart truly belongs. This was brought very close to home (yep - where we are now) as a very dear friend passed away and because of our schedule we could not make the 800 mile trip for the final goodbye. We know he is with the Lord right now - probably, in his best Marine Sargent Major voice telling a tired St. Peter to, "suck it up, Pete, and get busy guarding those gates". Please keep his family in your prayers this week as they say their final goodbyes and celebrate the life of a very special person.
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