Cool, clear mornings, sunny days, and beautiful sunsets - these are the things that October are made of. Here in S. Texas there are no color changes, just the beginning of the growing and flowering season. Produce harvesting is over, as many of the farmers have prepared their fields for a new growing season - most of the produce is being shipped in from Mexico, California, and Florida. The prices are still very reasonable yet, so we still enjoy the freshness (of sorts) every day.
More and more people are trickling in - the merchants are counting the days until the Winter Texans arrive in full force to help the economy, more out of state license plates are being seen, and activities are gearing up. Our CRM Fall Conference is being held here in the Valley, so we are anticipating seeing many of our chaplains again, to come together in fellowship and study, increasing our knowledge of God's great plan for our lives. Of course that means more work for us, but it is what we signed on for!!!!
Today's sermon, "Bent Justice" so much reminded me of our week, as we distributed food to the colonias - again, produce is way down, so we supplemented our distribution with items we have stored for such a situation. Luckily, we have packages of rice and lentil mix, small packages of marshmallows, and drink mixes that be dissolved in water to encourage more fluid intake. One of the families that we serve had their electricity turned off this last week as they had no money to pay the bill. The husband just got back to work after months of trying to find a job, then hurt his leg (it is inflamed and swollen) and cannot afford to pay a doctor for treatment. Yet this lady, after seeing that we might need some extra produce, brought a huge bag of carrots to help supplement. Bent Justice - you bet!!! Today is world Communion Day, a means of grace that unite the world - a time when we cannot even begin to comprehend the number of people who have shared the Lord's table with us this morning. In many other countries, chura means dog and that is what Christians are considered. In one country, a young Christian woman was kidnapped, kept in a small prison, beaten and raped daily for 4 months until her family (yes, the whole family) sold themselves in slavery to a brick maker to raise the ransom money to free her. Yet in other parts of the world, we as Christians can freely proclaim our faith and worship as we please. Bent Justice - yep. Habakkuk was perplexed - he cried out to God about the increasing evil in the world and why did God did not punish those evil ones. How often do we feel that today?? Justice is indeed warped - 10% of the people in the world do not have access to clean water, 1 in every 9 people do not have enough food, 1 in every 5 people have no shelter. Our question also seems to be - "Lord, how much longer do we have to cry out?". Justice is warped - police who are supposed to protect us are being sent to jail, clergy who are supposed to lead and also protect us are being convicted of abusing those very ones they are supposed to shepherd, and even judges are being convicted of corruption. The world is broken - where is God??? He is on the cross - Jesus continues to suffer as Christians are being persecuted all over the world. Even here in American we are ridiculed, put down, and laughed at. As Jesus was dying on the cross, the soldiers gambled for His garment. The same communion was shared with us today - why are we so lucky to have been born here in America? Where is the justice? God has the answer: "For the revelation waits an appointed time, it speaks of the end, and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait, for it will certainly come and not delay". Habukkuk 2:3. Today is terrible, but tomorrow is promised to us to be perfect.
So as not to end on a depressing note, October is here - time for cool evenings, hot chocolate, pumpkin pie, comforting fires, snuggling under the quilts as you read your favorite author, with the promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner.
to put a smile on your face -
my latest creation (I do find time to play)