This week we had a special treat and stopped at Starbucks for coffee (Fred only wants plain black - how boring). Anyway, I ordered an iced coconut milk mocha caramel macchiato - it was absolutely heavenly!!!! As I was drinking it I suddenly remembered the Italian version of Starbucks. As a kid growing up in a Catholic Italian family in Chicago we seemed to have a lot of relatives around, although we never seemed to associate with them a lot, just a lot of different ones. We did go to visit relatives in Chicago Heights more than once as I remember. The adults would be drinking strong coffee having their very spirited conversations as usual, and we grubby snot nosed kids were served the original Italian version of Starbucks - one half cup of hot coffee, one half cup of hot milk or cream, sugar, with cinnamon sprinkled on top (sometimes we were lucky to get a dollop of whipped cream). I remember sitting there sipping my very grown-up drink and listening in fascination to the sounds of very loudly spoken Italian, complete with hand gestures. I really don't remember doing anything else like playing outside or playing games, or even eating (which I am sere was some sort of homemade pasta) - just the safe and comfortable feeling of that hot coffee. Strange what certain things bring back buried memories -the smell of the incense in church, the sound of the little door being slid back as I prepared to confess my sins to the priest, eating bologna and mayonnaise sandwiches on Wonder bread, the sound of the ice cream man on his bicycle coming down the street, even the sound of the street cars as they clanged down the street. One time Mother (who was as directionally deficient as I am) forgot to get off at our stop, so we rode the streetcar to the end, then reversed the seats, and rode back to our stop. The clean and sweet smell of the air before the first snowfall, the glorious colors of fall, and the magic of Christmas as the nuns prepared us for the birth of Our Savior. Guess I must be feeling a nit melancholy today. Why do we want to grow up so fast when the days of childhood were so carefree for the most part. (My biggest worry was that I would forget a sin and not confess it before Sunday church - oh, what would happen to me??) We do seem to forget the bad times, the sad times, and just remember all the memorable ones - perhaps an inner safe guard?
It was a truly busy week - we had many pick ups for the food and clothing ministry. An amazing missionary and his wife, who have been so generous to share with us, provided many quilt tops, fabric, and patterns for the Caring Hearts Ministry. We met them at their house and enjoyed a great time of fellowship as they told of their experiences of God's provision and direction. Please pray for them, as they have a great children's ministry where they can minister from a trailer that looks like a caboose but they need a truck - either someone with a big enough truck to pull this caboose from to Houston to the Valley, or for God somehow to provide a truck for them personally to also help with their food ministry. God can do it if it is in His plan.
We had a few hiccups along the way during the week - but God certainly lead us through the worst of them. The highlight was our trip to Reynosa for the 3 month birthday celebration. Just 6 of us traveled to Reynosa (the winter Texans are not back yet) but what an interesting and colorful group we were. Part of our group was a young fashion designer form Brazil who is leaving for Dallas next month for a job. She is such a beautiful young lady who volunteers at the resale store because of her desire to serve the Lord. Also along with us was a young ER doctor from San Diego - a very self assured young gal who travels throughout the US taking year long assignments in many different areas of the country. She, too, followed God's calling and has such a desire to serve. A border patrol agent completed our group. Fred and myself who are just two ordinary folks whom God called into His service and Betsy, the director of CHI finished up this rag-tag diverse group. We would not missed it for the world as we headed to a water park in Reynosa to celebrate with the kids
it was extremely hot and the water looked so inviting |
pool for smaller kids |
larger pool with an even larger one behind it sporting water slides (which were not working that day) |
a slide made from a cement tile - Belinda seemed a bit fearful |
enjoying the cool water - notice the CHI girls do not wear swimming suits - just their regular clothing |
cutting one of the many watermelons |
frying french fries in a Mexican wok |
one of the many palapas to sit under in the shade - we had a very large one |
look at the size of the jimicas - they were cut and mixed with the watermelon and sprinkled with chili-sugar - really very good |
Belinda whose birthday was Aug 5 and Fred |
the huge watermelon/jimicia fruit bowl |
lots of jalapenos |
the birthday kids |
lunch - beans and pizza (yes, pizza) burritos, French fries and jalapenos |
patiently waiting for the signal to open presents |
one of the boys and his presents - look at the smile |
these girls are so excited - there is a set of twins in the jumble somewhere |
Belinda's new dress |
and shoes to match |
now to have fancy fingernails |
the younger girls got baby dolls |
love the shoes
This morning's New Spirit Worship service was so inspiring, from the contemporary music to the sermon present by Pastor Robert Perales. It is hard to realize that the gospel also has the power to divide. We often think that Jesus came to preach love, and happiness. Following Jesus is not easy, sometimes it leads to disappointment, separation, or even violence. In our morning meditation we read about all of the things the Apostles endured during and after the crucifixion. What an impact He has on our lives when we go all out for Him. Our country is in chaos, a radically divided society. How easy is it to let things go without a confortation. We all want things to be peaceful, to get along with everyone, everything is great and good. Many preachers preach this today as that it is what people want to hear. Jesus came to divide, to force His followers to take a stand for Christianity. We as human fear division which in turn leads to silence and compliance. We need to be silent no more. Jesus called us to be different, which indeed leads to division, but He also called us to unity. Take back our country to Christ and be blessed again.
Please pray for me this week as I have a few very difficult issues to deal with - but God will walk beside me all of the way, as He will, too, walk with you daily.
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