Happy Mother's Day to all, whether you are a mother of children, pets, friends, or neighbors. Each and everyone of you is loved and held up in honor today and every day. We as mothers, may not have always been perfect but we believe we had done right, according to what we knew. Looking back, I am sure we wish we could have done better, but looking forward we try to do better. I for one, have 4 amazing daughters which I love with all of my heart and would not change them for anyone or anything. Each one is unique and loved in her own special way.
Our Caring Heart's Ministry has really exploded beyond our imagination - "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us". Ephesians 4:20. We pray, ask, and there it is - all we have asked for and more. We were looking for at least another bag of beans (50#) this past week to make sure that there was enough beans and rice for the two months that we will be gone when out of the very least expected places we received it. God knows even before we do what is needed and provides. !!! Now we ask for your prayers as we help to try to raise enough funds to build a small multi-purpose building in which to hold Bible Studies, sewing workshops, food distribution warehouse, for whatever it is needed. The general idea is to build this in a colonia where we all serve so that the surrounding colonias could be invited to participate. I see this building used as a Christmas party distribution, perhaps with a skit performed by kids, a place for teaching Bible studies for all ages, cooking and sewing classes, etc. The possibilities are endless. So continue to pray that if is this is God's will, it will happen. All things are possible with God.
We are trying up loose ends this week, as we leave next Sunday for Arkansas (with a couple of stops in between). Soooo - there may or may not be a blog on Sunday - don't be alarmed, it will show up by Monday night!
We we able to make a trip to Reynosa this last week as we took 2 gentlemen down to the refuge. One was a missionary who worked there years ago, the other was a man who helped build one of the Casas. The missionary had a stroke a while back, but was able to enjoy the visit, wanting to take pictures of the kids, as his love for these children was so huge. They both were amazed at the changes in the refuge over the years and totally impressed.
English class at CHI/RIN |
one of the amazing teachers |
good looking class |
another teacher and a few bold students |
the younger class singing us a song (in Spanish) |
some of the older kids' work (6th grade) |
a newly renovated Casa |
so bright and clean |
the kids have to keep their rooms clean and neat |
cute twin girls |
such beautiful tile work |
one of the TEAMS helped with this colorful artwork |
our dinner of porsoli (pork soup) with lettuce and onions to be added, and fresh watermelon juice

one of Belinda's rare smiles

homework time

being silly with Paty
As we continue in the sermon series presented by Pastor Robert Perales, we still wrestle with God by asking, "what do you want from me?". We often feel that we are doing what God wants us to - it feels as if this is the path He wants us to follow. Other times it seems as if we are lost to His will. Our hardest wrestling time is the in between times - when God seems to tell us very clearly that we are not on the correct path. We feel sure this is what He wants, but then He totally changes our direction, as He did with Saul in Acts 9:1-9. Saul felt that God wanted Him to persecute the Christians, as he was a scholar, studied the Jewish Scriptures and thought the followers of the "Word" were rabble rousers and needed to be done away with. He himself went to the high priests and "volunteered" to do this - he was not asked by them. He felt certain this is what God wanted. Then on the road to Damascus, God switched direction for him, making it possible for Saul to become Paul, fight for the Christians and not against them, and to write most of the books of the New Testament. Are we seeking our will for God? Whoops, He shows up and seeks our will for us. Wrestling with God will help to seek our purpose for Him.
I am using the the American Patriots Bible for my daily readings which has so much information about the founding of our country up to present day. I have come across many profound statements of centuries ago that pertain to today's world. In a speech given before the Historical Society of New York, February 23, 1852, Daniel Webster said,"But if we and our posterity reject religious instructions and authority, violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us that shall bury all our glory in profound obscurity". Please pray for our country, especially during this election year.
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