A few posts ago I mentioned trying to finish an unfinished project - one that had been hanging on undone for a few years. Mission accomplished - 5 Santas completed, boxed, and ready for the mail. I won't tell you how many more of these unfinished things I have, but I am working on them.
a feeling of a job well done
My printer went on the fritz Wednesday so we headed off to Best Buy to find another one. Luckily we had purchased the warranty (at a very reasonable price) and found the exact model for an even exchange, as well as an additional $5.00+ gift card. I really could not believe it when I saw tents already set up and people in line on Wednesday for Black Friday sales!!! Don't people realize that the "sale" items are really special items manufactured especially for Black Friday - cheaper replicas of the real thing??? And so is life - all the things of this world are just replacements of the Real Thing - Jesus, who gave His life for us on the only true Black Friday.
Thanksgiving at the park was a time of celebration, as usual, but on a smaller scale then in previous years. It seems as if the folks are arriving later than usual. Marilyn Bahney (Chaplain Lee's wife) and I hosted a table, and wound up with a total of 19 people at our table. Our activity director was kind enough to set us up as a buffet type setting so that everyone could get their food and it all be still hot. There was the normal Thanksgiving fare. Fred was overjoyed as he was going to eat a piece of apple pie since his weight loss program (he lost over 80#) already) only to discover that that there was not an apple pie in the whole hall!!!Our table had 4 pumpkin pies, a pumpkin cake, and brownies. I think I startled people when I greeted them with the question "what are you thankful for?". The answers were as diverse as the people themselves. It was a quiet, peaceful day even if the Packers lost the football game!!!
our 45 year old turkey centerpiece thanks to Yvonne
a real Mexican Thanksgiving centerpiece
kitchen helpers deboning turkey
our table - Yvonne waving hi to all
the beginning of the end - Packers lost to da Bears
The church served donuts at all of the Wednesday meetings in November - we like that month because there is usually only 4 Wednesdays and not a lot of folks here yet. It is fun to serve in any capacity here at the park - spiritually or otherwise.
first the donuts need to be counted, then put on trays and served as residents come through the line - looks like a lot of sweet rolls, but no nearly as many as in January and February.
There was such a lesson in un-prejudicial living this week in the park. As I walked up to the hall one day, I saw two lovely white birds on a limb, sunning themselves in the warm afternoon.
The next day I saw this:
Would this world be a happier much better place to live if everyone could exist together like this??? What a perfect situation that would be.
We had a very busy morning in church today. This being the first Sunday in Advent, the Advent candle was lit, with a reading of the importance of us remembering what the Advent season truly means. We also had communion, as this is the last Sunday in the month. That, as well as Walter Plant playing for our church services with special music by Bob McArther on the clarinet made for a wonderful day to sing praise to the Lord. Chaplain Lee's sermon was so very pointed as he talked about being offended. It seems that everyone is offended by something in this world. I am offended by the fact that everyone seems to have a chip on their shoulder for some reason or another. The Bible tells us that it is OK to be angry, but to sin not. Pray for those who offend you - ask for the patience not to lash out at them as we need to be a blessing to God as well as others. Instead of trying to change others opinions, maybe we need to change by not being offended. We can rely on the fact the God never changes - He is the same as yesterday, today, and forever.
Try this week to see something good in those who protest, those who are intolerant of others, and those who just are plain unhappy. God wants us all to be content in our station of life just as the man who lives under the interstate about a mile from our park. He lives and sleeps there (it must be cold and noisy) but when asked if he could be taken to a shelter, he just said no, he was content where he was. Lord, help me to be content in my warm home, with food in the refrigerator, friends to talk to, and a God who loves me unconditionally.
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