It seems more like four and hundreds of blackbirds that gather about this time every evening in tress and on the power lines around us. The other side of the park has their share of them also. The sky is black as they fly in to perch, each one chirping in his own way. Then as if on cue, the stop, and fly off into the trees around the lake for the evening. I did a short video for you - be sure to watch it to end!!! If you notice I did video across the lake where you will see those lines full of birds, too. Watch it on full screen and turn up the volume!!!!

Just to add to the confusion, we have been parking our vehicle in the next door neighbor's driveway until we get a car port built. Whoops, we had to move it yesterday from Don S.'s driveway as he was coming in from Wisconsin, so we parked in Don S #2 driveway (yes - two Don S. neighbors). No sooner had we parked and went into the house and Don S. #2 showed up from Kansas. Time to move the vehicle - this time to another neighbor behind us. These neighbor's are so kind as to let us park under their roofs during the summer. It is really strange to now have neighbors again - it was quiet here on our street (except for the birds) - now we hear noises as the neighbors move back into their winter homes. Every time I hear a strange noise, I think of what it could be. Time to change into the "enjoying the neighbors" mode!!!! So looking forward to welcoming our winter friends back - as well as our new Minister/Chaplain Pastor Lee and Marilyn Bahney.
Yesterday 13 of us traveled to Reynosa to yet another birthday for the kids at the Haven - this time to celebrate the Oct/Nov/Dec birthdays. We arrived at the Sirloin Stockade ahead of the kids and waited patiently as they all filed in. Director Betsy advised us Americanos to get our food first (it was a wonderful delicious buffet) before they turned the kids loose. It was a fun time as usual as we watched the birthday kids and all the excitement of opening their presents. The donations of all the generous people allows these celebrations to continue - celebrations that all of the kids have never had before coming to the Haven. The environment that they came from did not allow for birthday parties, presents, and in most cases even food of any kind, Just existing in a small hovel, alone, waiting for their parents to return from some sort of work, with perhaps some small scraps of food. We are striving to give these kids a Christian education, the love of a family, plenty of food and snacks, and lots more love. It is amazing to see how quickly they respond. The mission statement of CHI tells it all; "And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me". Matthew 18:5 New International Version (NIV)."
it looks very much like our buffet restaurants |
the drink machine holds orange, lemon, tamarando, diet Pepsi, Pepsi, and tea. I love the tamarando - sort of a cross between prune and fig flavor (sounds weird but it is very good) |
neat, clean and well decorated.

Paty and Fred

the birthday kids (and adults)

one of the Tios (houseparents called aunts) showing off her beautiful blouse - she loves bling

1, 2, 3 go - the present opening is on

little Sarah was so proud of her gift bags - she received a doll, a dress, and other items - she was so much more interested in her dress than the doll!

a new game

Paty, little sweet Kayla who has been at the Haven since almost birth - if Fred looks different it is because he has lost 74# by sheer will power!!! No, he has not been sick - just determined.

the best part of the buffet - all the ice cream you can it
Today's service with Pastor Israel was extra special as their newly married daughter and husband were visiting from Missouri. Rachael was married in June and moved to Missouri - the first time in her life away from the Valley and her Hispanic upbringing. She is still trying to get over the culture shock, changing of the seasons, etc. It was wonderful to see her and her husband and look forward to seeing then again when they return at Thanksgiving. Pastor Israel reminded us that we need to have a heart of wisdom "in order that they (we) may know the mystery of God, namely Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge". Colossians 2:2(b)-3. We need a heart that does not forget God's teaching and commands, a heart that receives and gives love and faithfulness, a heart that trusts God, a heart that honors God with our wealth, and a heart that accepts the Lord's discipline. Wow - is your heart open enough to embrace all of this?? I know I have a lot to work on. I need to believe and take action - not just say I believe and then go on to the next pressing issue.
Wisdom is the knowledge of God and putting it to use on a daily basis. It is not difficult to follow God's commands every day - love your brothers in spite of your differences of opinions but be open to receiving the love of God and others, trust God always and turn away from evil, honor God with your first fruits of your labor, and learn to accept God's discipline as He has true riches for you.
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