our out of control key lime tree -
This last week, a dear friend here at the park passed away (Marvin Rutledge). We visited him and Judy the evening before (although I don't know if he knew we were there or not). On our way home, we saw a beautiful rainbow stretching across the sky, reminding us of the presence of the Lord and His promises. Subsequently during the week we saw two more rainbows - more than I have seen in a long time. Beauty on earth showing us that there is more beauty in heaven - perhaps Marvin was sending us his love, too, as he walked those golden streets - (he used to mine for gold as a hobby - imagine his wonderment as he saw all that gold!).
part of a rainbow from our front door
We came upon an old oak table in need of repair - Fred immediately determined that he could restore it. We had done this years ago, then later gave the table to our son-in-law (as it was his grandparents' table originally) when we moved to Arkansas from Wisconsin. We didn't want to move it to Arkansas and then move it back to Wisconsin when we were ready to give it to our- son-in- law. Well - imagine our surprise when two years later, they moved to Arkansas - with the table!!! Sorry for the rambling, but it is a fun story. Anyway, we toted the table home and Fred began working on it. A week later we have this beautiful piece of furniture - what a talented husband I have.

I love it
An Amazing day at Great Oaks Community Church this morning - dedication of three children (all from the same family) and celebrating 12 people who were baptized this last week in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - children and adults both. One mother and her daughter were baptized together. After church services we celebrated with a Mexican Fiesta fellowship meal - pisoli (a pork or chicken soup topped with cabbage and radishes (which I love), tostodas, tamales, a meat dish with mole sauce, sort of a blood sausage (which we did not try), lots of different hot sauces, and wonderfully looking desserts. A wonderful Sunday dinner with Christian friends and fellow church members. Oh yes, there was even a piñata for the kids.
some of the many decorations
posoli, tostodas, tamale and green hot sauce
Fred chose the meat in mole' sauce, tostada, tamale, posoli, and of course, green hot sauce
many kiddos and adults dressed for the occasion
the youngest piñata hitter
the piñata is broken and the scramble for candy (dulce) is on
Last week I mentioned another celebration at Children's Haven in Reynosa, but was sworn to secrecy until this week. A few years ago a young man from Canada, Matt Campbell, came to the Haven as an intern. He fell in love with the Haven and everyone there so returned every year, sometimes more than once when his job allowed. Lately, he has been bringing his cute tiny girlfriend, Tina, along. Last week he proposed to her - a great surprise for all of us!!! We thought the big secret was a surprise birthday party for Jesse, a volunteer, but a few things were out of place. I mentioned them, but then passed it off as just coincidence - people were there who really had no reason to be there, a mariachi band (?), really???? But then the big surprise - and everyone went wild!!!! A great fun time - and what an appropriate place for it to take place. We had to keep quiet about it, as they happy newly engaged couple was flying back to Canada on Wednesday, and wanted to tell the relatives before it appeared on facebook - didn't work out. Someone spilled the beans!

Jessie, blindfolded, being lead in for his "surprise" party - Tina has no idea about what is going to happen
will you marry me
she said yes

everyone was so excited

the children handed her a dozen roses (provided by Matt)
Betsy ( American director) Tina, and Melana (who organized the whole affair)

what a beautiful ring
all this and Matt, too
the cake which says, in Spanish "she said yes" - wonder what would have happened if she said no
showing off her ring
no party is complete without a piñata
Pastor Israel's sermon this morning concentrated on prayer - pray always and for every reason. "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for all the saints". Ephesians 6:18. The word saints in this Scripture means any believer in Christ. Of course, we should pray for everyone, believer or not. Praying for a non-believer sometimes transforms that person into a believer. Satan is our enemy and works in the world of no God. He also works in our sinful nature. Therefore, constant prayer is so important in our daily lives. We win when we pray - we have victory over sin, death, and the grave through Jesus. God instructs us to pray because we belong to Him, because, through the Holy Spirit, He helps us to pray, and because other people also need God's help. "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone". 1 Timothy 2:1.
Gossip is a terrible thing - it breeds hate and discontent. Satan is always on the prowl to fill the minds of unbelievers with lies to spread around, just to see the commotion they can cause. Gossip is everywhere - in schools, workplaces, communities, even in church. Make it a point this week to not repeat any gossip or even anything that you have heard if you cannot prove it is true - gossip hurts everyone.
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