We left Arkansas early last Monday on our way to visit Chaplain Roy and Paula Gee in Joshua, Texas. It was a cool morning and a beautiful day for a drive. We did run into lots of rain, but nothing too terrible. Evidence of all the flooding all the way along our route was very evident though.
Roy and Paula also have twin great-grandchildren, theirs being a boy and a girl - Mac and Mallie. They, too, are miracle babies and such a blessing to parents, grandparents, and of course, great grandparents. We blessed with seeing the twins while we were with the Gees - thank you so much for Michelle (grandma) and Bailey (Mom) for bringing them over!!!
Mallie and Mac celebrating their first July 4th
Tuesday we drove with the Gees to Fort Worth to visit the "big city". Lots of skyscrapers, as well as beautiful historic old buildings. We wandered down to the stockyards just in time to see a cattle drive down the main thoroughfare (not a real one but fun to watch anyway). The old stockyards are all shops to entice the tourists, although there are a few stores with items for the real cowboys!
here come the cattle
now those are really long horns
a caballero or vaquero
they look pretty docile - but.......
lots of outriders to make sure the cattle don't bolt
no, they ate not going to the petting zoo - just up the ramp to the stockyards, waiting for their next trip down the street
lots of barbeque places
not sure about barbequed shrimp
Fred and Roy checking out the shops while Paula and I browse in other ones
which one shall I chose - cheapest one was over $800
spurs anyone
wonder if Paula wished she married a cowboy???
this little gal was a bit shy even though it was only a statue
a distinguished gentleman sitting outside the Cattleman's Club - shown often in the "Dallas" series
After all this Western culture, what would the best place to eat be??? Joe T Garcia's, of course. The outside is very deceiving as it is very normal and ordinary looking.
looks pretty similar to every Mexican restaurant you see - perhaps even a bit more uninviting
surprise - this is the patio area - a virtual oasis in the bustle of a busy city
beautiful fountains - we were lucky to be sitting at the table nearby when I took this picture
a peaceful setting
more breathtaking scenery - this restaurant seats 1000 (yes, 1000) people when it is really busy on Friday and Saturday nights. Glad we were there on a quiet day.
some of the many exotic flowers
Paula's hand compared to this huge leaf
We then decided to visit the botanical gardens, which were beautiful, but not in their full glory as preparations were being made for the big holiday week-end.
normally the dark areas are filled with roses
Roy now has wings
and so do we
a quiet refreshing spot - it was very hot that day
We left Joshua and the hospitality of the Gees on Wednesday morning with the plans of being in Alamo in about 9 hours. As we traveled along, we noticed a detour on the highway - we were being re-routed along side roads as there was a huge accident and the highway was closed on both ends. After an hour of creeping along on tiny back roads, fighting for position with semis, we were back on our way. As we arrived in the Valley, again the signs of flooding were everywhere. Our lake has been overflowing to the point of the streets being flooded - at least it water did not rise above the curbs.
there is usually a steep bank down to the lake
trees standing in the lake
usually this tree is on the bank of the lake
lots of rain did this
we do not have the water birds we usually have - perhaps the lake is too deep as they are lake bottom feeders - sure hope they come back
As we attended church this morning, we listened as Pastor Holaday spoke of strengths in weaknesses. Paul had a thorn in his side and asked the Lord to remove it 3 times, but the Lord did not do so. Why?? Because of this weakness, Paul's ministry had strength, as others were sent in his place due to this thorn. Paul wrote his letters rather than actually visiting the churches he wrote to because of the thorn. This was God's plan for Paul's message to be more effective. God's weakness is stronger than any human strength.
As we have celebrated the independence of our great country, remember that God and country are no longer linked. We are bound to obey the laws of the country, but are bound by faith to obey the laws of God, Let us be lovers, not haters!!
May God always bless the USA!!!
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