I say this every year when daylight saving time rolls around. First of all we lose an hours sleep. Second, I have to get up way too early (in my mind), and it's dark out in the morning. About the time I begin to adjust to the time change, it is time to change it back again. Whoever thought up this idea anyway??? The first national observance of Daylight Saving Time in the United States was in 1918, to save energy during World War I. This lasted seven months before being repealed. A similar, year-round, national observance went into effect in World War II, starting February 9, 1942, and ending September 30, 1945. The starting and ending dates have changed over the years. From 1986 through 2006, DST ran from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October. Beginning in 2007, the observance starts on the second Sunday in March and ends in the first Sunday in November, adding an additional month. I saw this on facebook - it makes sense to me!
Chaplain Bill continued his sermon this week by reminding us that mercy is not giving us what we deserve, while grace is giving us what we don't deserve. When asked if life is fair, I often answer, "no, it is not". If it was fair, God would not grant us mercy or give us grace. We would be punished for our sins, not forgiven, and have no hope of eternal life with Him. What an amazing God we have!
After services and Sunday School today the church board (we were also included) held their annual appreciation dinner at the Echo Hotel for Chaplain Bill and Ali. We do this every year as a Thank You for all they have done for us over the past year. This year was a bittersweet time, as Chaplain Bill and Ali are leaving our park and following God's direction to other things - things He has planned for them. Bill felt that he was sent to our park for a specific purpose - to bring people to freedom in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. He has done so in many instances and his work here is now done, Please pray with us as we ask God to send the perfect Chaplain to us for next year -
It has again been cool and rainy - this is perhaps the coldest and wettest year here in the Valley. Many people have had relatives and friends visit for a week or so, only to have plans change because of the weather. But it seems that just when we are really tired of it all, the sun breaks out and we enjoy a brief reprieve. My only problem is that I have only a few cold weather clothes - layering has become second nature to me.
We were invited to a birthday party for the one year old grandson of one of the ladies who works here in the park. The decorations were lavish - the theme was carried throughout the who celebration. Most of the relatives dressed in camouflage, even the birthday boy. Yep you guessed it - the theme was Duck Dynasty. It was fun, the food was good, and the people were just so comfortable to be with.
some of the guests being foolish |
the birthday boy and his proud grandmother |
placemats of vests and matching hats |
theme birthday cake |
piñata - ready to be smashed |
another on of our park workers with her granddaughters - the baby was only 2 weeks old |
my plate - guess who |
the camouflage relatives - can you see them |
this baby had a camouflage ribbon - almost as big as she was |
pinata time - the weather was sunny that day |
birthday boy getting his turn |
ready to do damage |
this little sweetie was also ready to break it |
gathering up the spoils |
the remote control sailboats were also sailing
As the season begins to wind down, many of the residents are getting ready to travel back home - continue to pray for their safe travels until they return next fall. Also pray for us, as we serve God here in the Valley - providing food and clothing for those who are so much in need.
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