Actually, I haven't really been gone. It has been a very busy past two weeks - I have thought many days about posting this blog, but there was not a minute of time that was not accounted for. It was with great relief that we could relax late yesterday afternoon, and reflect on our activities.
A week ago Thursday, Ali Artherholt and I hosted a Victorian Tea Party for the ladies in the Bible . Study class. We had previously held a hat decoration day when we prepared our hats, and then waited with anticipation for the day we could wear them with pride! Except for a slight mishap with 4 broken teapots prior to the tea, we had such a fun time. The ladies arrived all decked out in their finery, with their tea party treats in hand. The Annex was abuzz with chatter as we sipped different teas, and enjoyed the many tea time treats of cranberry/white chocolate scones, dainty cookies, baklava, tiny cream puffs, even Twinkies, cut in small pieces topped with whipped cream and strawberries. A few fun door prizes rounded out an afternoon of relaxation an fellowship.
some of the many teapots |
one of the two tables of treats and teapots |
another teapot table and more treats |
lovely ladies and hats |
more of our tea time ladies |
me and Ali - my mother wore hats regally, I just look resigned |
hats, teacups, and teapots
We celebrated the birthday of friend Karen at South Padre Island, which has become a yearly tradition. It was cool that day, but the shrimp at Pelican Station was wonderful as always. Karen and I always feed the sea gulls, with warnings to "stay away from the vehicle or you will be washing it!" It does not take them long to devour a whole loaf of bread. I love the sweet little gulls and their bright shining eyes. We then traveled to Brownsville along the channel to see the USS Constellation. Connie, as she was lovingly called, was commissioned on October 27, 1961, under the motto "Spirit of the Old, Pride of the New." In response to North Vietnamese attacks on U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin in August 1964, CONSTELLATION departed from a scheduled port visit to Hong Kong and was the first U.S. warship to launch strikes against North Vietnamese vessels and bases. June 2, 2003, Constellation returned to San Diego after completing her 21st and final deployment to the Western Pacific, during deployment, she took part in the war on Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freedom. After her impressive 41 year service life, "Connie" was decommissioned pier side, at Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, California on August 7, 2003. Mid September 2003, Connie was towed to Puget Sound Naval Station to begin preparation for permanent storage or be stricken from Navy records. She recently was towed to the Port of Brownsville to be scrapped.

the USS Constellation in her days of glory

today she sits in a shipyard in Brownsville, being taken apart for scrap

I love these little guys

as I was taking a picture, this guy swooped down and stole a whole piece of bread from my hand!

the surfers never did make it out to the waves

the beauty of the water

one of the many hotels on S Padre Island, which is a bee hive of action during spring break.

an off shore oil rig, being worked on at the shipyards

another aircraft carrier being dismantled
The biggest time consumer this week was the 7th annual God's Worthy Women conference. This year was another huge success, as over 140 women were blessed by speaker, Naomi Miles as she delivered a message of forgiveness. God has so blessed this ministry over the years as we try to touch women of all ages here in the Valley. We had in attendance two younger ladies, one of which is expecting a baby very soon (I am going to her baby shower tomorrow!). Naomi's message was based on our theme verse Matthew 6:14 - "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you". But you need to read further on to verse 15 - "But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins". We put a cross on a white tablecloth (for purity) and circled it with a red cloth (the blood of Jesus). As Naomi was finishing her presentation in the afternoon, the ladies were encouraged to write the name on a piece of paper (we provided two of them) of the person they wanted to forgive or who they wanted forgiveness from and walk forward to place the names at the foot of the cross, to be forever forgotten and marked "Paid in Full". It was so moving to see the many ladies doing so to be released forever from the bondage of unforgiveness. God is good and we give Him all the praise and glory for His forgiveness! We are now planning for next year's conference, asking God for His guidance.

some of the ladies who attended
Naomi, who is little but so very powerful in her presentation
taking our forgivenesses to the cross
the foot of the cross - and many who were forgiven once and for all - Amy as she released the person from the debt she feels was owed to her for some offense.
This week surrender your unforgiveness to God - write "Paid in Full" on those who you feel have offended you, and ask for forgiveness from those whom you have offended.
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