We have received so very many lemons and limes from those who have trees growing in their yards. The lemons were a bit different- from a church family member who has a Mexican lemon tree producing a lot of these amazingly juicy lemons, not to be confused with the large Valley lemons. I squeezed quite a few and made a pitcher of lemonade - not enough for a lemonade stand, but enough for us to enjoy. We also received a huge quantity of key limes. They also are very juicy - I froze 7-1/2 cups to use in baking and mixing into my Mexican Hibiscus tea. There were still extra limes which I shared with neighbors.
just one half of the limes waiting to be squeezed
The large influx of hummingbirds just has not happened yet. We had a flurry a few weeks ago - about 10 or so tiny creatures, and we were sure that the rest would be soon following. So far the few that were here left, leaving only the local few birds. Maybe they are late getting started this year?? We did hear that the migration route was changing, so maybe we will not see the hundreds that we have always seen. We did have an Oriole here this morning - sorry for the photo through the blinds and screen, but I did not want to scare him away.
he looks like he is telling everyone else about the tasty breakfast
I know that I have talked about Prairie Grove and Fayetteville Arkansas , but I love both of these cities. Prairie Grove is the home of our Arkansas church family which truly believes in Loving God, Loving Others, and Serving Others. Yesterday was the Great Serve Day which allows everyone in the congregation to serve the community in some way. Usually the activities are lined up beforehand - raking, repairing, cleaning, painting, whatever it takes to serve the community. The church staff does not only encourage everyone to participate, but they themselves get involved. One very special young lady, who is wheelchair bound, abandoned her wheel chair to lay on the ground and weed around the Senior Center. I so much love Prairie Grove Christian Church and am proud to be a part of this congregation knowing that when the Lord is finished with our missionary work, we can return to an amazing church family.

she knows no bounds in her desire to serve
Fayetteville was host again this weekend to Bikes, Blues, and Bar-be-que which is a huge event involving motorcycles, blues bands on Dickson Street, and all sorts of Southern bar-be-que. The roar of bikes is constant all week-end, the streets and restaurants are crowded. I love it (even though we are in S Texas) because everyone - bikers, sightseers, and residents all seem to meld together in the commotion, with no one seemingly getting upset I often felt that a person should just plan to stay home on this particular week-end if they resented all the confusion. Many thanks to friends for a few pictures I stole from their facebook page!!!
the streets are packed
as well as the highways
this charming guy even posed for a pic
We have had a continuation of the rain again - every day this week. It is a strange rain though - you hear a bit of thunder, then the skies open up in a deluge which causes flooding all over, and then it stops as quickly as it starts. But we thank God for the cooling rain - for us as well as for the fields. The birds love it, as the mockingbirds were just singing for joy!
the streets are flooding
rain pouring out of a neighbor's drain pipe
a river in front of our house
Pastor Israel's sermon this morning was one which touches everyone, I am sure. "What You Say Does Matter" taken from Proverbs 10:17-21. God gave us the wonderful ability of speech in order to praise Him and spread the Good News. There are so many verses in the Bible warning us that words from our mouths may not seem important at the time, but they can accomplish a lot or destroy a lot. What we speak comes from our heart. What kind of heart do you have and what does it say about you when you speak? "It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony into chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke. and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell." From The Message James 3:5-6.
Take time this week to think before you speak - let the Christian love in your heart come out of your mouth.
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