Great Oaks Community Church holds a Hispanic service on Sunday nights. Those who attend this service extended hospitality to all who wanted to join them for a dinner last Sunday night. We ventured out in the rain and arrived just before another downpour. Since this service is totally in Spanish, we were blessed to have an interpreter by means of a small wireless radio. It was so interesting to be able to understand a Spanish sermon - the terminology, emotions (of which there were plenty) and message were so different from ours. We then were ready for the meal of porsoli, a pork soup (not greasy at all) to which you add raw shredded cabbage. It was extremely tasty, with enough spicy heat to be able to eat comfortably. Also included were sweaty tacos (sounded really nasty) but turned out delicious. These tacos are sort of like pork filled steamed taquitos, with 3 different hot sauces added to your own amount of fire!!! Also included was pizza for the kids, as well as pan dulce, the not so sweet but delicious Mexican pastries. It was a great evening for fellowship and sharing cultural foods.
decorations and food |
a bit of fun, too |
two senioritas who dressed up for us |
porsoli, sweaty tacos, and pizza, complete with red tostadas |
Robert won one of the door prizes - Mexican cookies
Lots of rain again this week, but I was able to walk a bit every night. As fall descends upon us, there are many changes in the park. Even the birds love the cooler evenings as much as we do.
another storm blowing in
the egrets are back, enjoying the evening
a blooming bush of some sort
my latest creation - a bird bath which the birds have not yet found
a rare sight here in S Texas - mushrooms!
beautiful sunset
papayas growing here in the park
Children's Haven resale store has been hosting a 50 cent sale this past week or so. We were blessed to be able to give them a donation and box up all the extra clothing to take to Great Oaks for their clothing ministry. We are so thankful for Director Betsy Chicon for allowing us to help more of those in need. It took a bit of time, but we finished the clean up and delivered 38 boxes of clothing!
looks like a huge project
almost done packing up
we even had a few empty boxes left over
We had an unexpected visitor at the park this past week. Our park manager rents out the hall in the summertime for events of all types. The area McDonald's had their get together here on Monday and guess who showed up? Yep -Ronald McDonald!! I didn't get a picture of him as I did not want to crash the party (guess I am aging -a few years ago I would have done so). But I did get a photo of his transportation mode.
Ronald McDonald Mobile
Another happy surprise
look at these gas prices -
Pastor's Israel's sermon this morning was based on the familiar story of Mary and Martha with a bit of a different twist. We read this with the idea in mind that Martha was so very busy preparing for her guests, including Jesus, and upset with her sister Mary for not helping but just sitting at the feet of Jesus, listening to His message. Martha was so upset, she went to Jesus to complain about it. But Jesus told Martha that Mary chose the better thing. What I did not consider before that Jesus was the teacher and Mary (as well as all of us) are disciples which is what Jesus wants. We welcome Jesus into our lives, listen to His Word, which takes us out of the error of not knowing His word. God takes care of our needs, which allows us to be a true disciple.
Saturday I listened to God's voice as I was in morning prayer. I heard "pray for Shirley" who is a friend in Arkansas. I had not conversed with her in a few weeks, but I immediately prayed for her. Later that day, I called her and told her what happened and that I had prayed for her that morning. She was quiet for a minute, then proceeded to tell me of her two cataract surgeries (of which I had no knowledge), the first one presenting a few problems which resulted in her having a shot in her eye, and perhaps needing one every week - a very expensive and painful experience. Luckily, her insurance will cover it for now. I am so thankful that I acted in obedience to the voice of the Lord. I pray that if any of you are led by the Lord to do something, please follow His instruction.