It has been fairly hot here in S Texas - but I woke up to thunder the other morning which produced a nice morning rain. The flowers and the earth just slurped it up and seemed to say "AHHHH".
We volunteered Thursday at the resale shop for CHI - things were very slow as it always seems to be this time of year. When the Winter Texans return and start cleaning house, we will be getting a lot more donations as well as shoppers. But it is nice to have the time to visit with the regulars who come in - even they complain about the heat. I feel blessed that we can accomplish all our outside chores in the morning and then retire to the cool indoors for the afternoon. Hanging out clothes is a great pleasure of mine, even though it is hot. Amazingly God has provided a natural clothes dryer, as well as a way to bleach the whites!!! It gives me the opportunity to observe His creation - the birds, insects (even those pesky ants who really bite hard) the flowers, even noise of everyday living.
The food and clothing ministry for Great Oaks Community Church has been slowly growing to the extent that we share the bounty with another church. Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida (New Life Baptist Church) receives a portion of the donations from our efforts - spreading out again the love of the Savior through provision to others.
Glena and Juanita from Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida received lots of tomatoes, bananas, peppers, and limes for distribution.
We traveled to Progreso Mexico on Saturday to pick up some medication for ourselves as well as some for other friends and noticed that the Border Patrol was out in full force, assisted by the Texas State Patrol. We often see them on the way to the border, but it seems as if there were service vehicles as well as vans every mile or less along the way. We believed that the crossings from South American countries had slowed down - perhaps there was a large group coming across. We did not see anyone, but these men were on the alert. We pray for these people who are trying to flee an unsafe environment, but also praying for our government to find a solution to the problem.
Plans for our God's Worthy Retreat in February are really coming together. Those of us on the leadership team can breathe a sigh of relief as we have confirmed a speaker whose theme is forgiveness, something that each and every one of us can relate to. Where I first contacted her earlier I wondered if this was the person God intended to speak to our ladies. As we all prayed about decisions that same week, there were three instances when forgiveness was presented to me through daily meditations, readings, and even a Sunday sermon. I feel that God was giving me a message. Again, after talking to her last week to confirm with her, I know that God intends for her to bless us with her presence, as she had just received reports that she is cancer free after 7 years!!! Praise the Lord! What a wonderful testimony for her to relate to others.
Please pray for the Church @ Alamo Rec Veh for the coming year, as we begin to prepare to bring the Word of the Lord to others. We ask for order, discernment, and the ability to reach others - believers and unbelievers both. We ask that everything we do we do for the Glory of God - all for Him and nothing for ourselves.
Praying that all of you are enjoying a wonderful summer, and that teachers, parents and children alike are preparing with anticipation the coming school year (yes, school starts here in S Texas for some this coming week).
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