I have heard from several of you faithful followers that you missed preusslesspathways blog so far this week. Yep - I am a slacker, as my youngest daughter informed me!!! And so, hearing from you, here I am, humbly asking your forgiveness. Do we so easily answer God when He speaks to us - do we say, "yes Lord", or "OK Lord, in my own time"??? Do we just as easily ask for His forgiveness as we do from others?? As we go through the day, talking to others, do we talk to Jesus just as easily? Think about these questions this week - try talking to Jesus, just because!
It has again been a strange week weather wise, as I see that it has been all over the country. One morning it was so quiet outside, cloudy, and cool. So cool in fact, that the steam was coming off the lake - it looked positively eerie.
Our neighbor, Harper, walking home after shuffling |
just the scene for a scary movie.
Friday, we attended another mariachi concert at the Basilica. As we arrived, we noticed some pictures being taken of a lovey young lady, evidently ready for her Quinceanera, which is a really big production. This is an old tradition, which initially indicated that the daughter of a family was of marrying age. Now it is a "wedding without the groom".
these dresses are very expensive
this dress is unusual in that it is many colors
We went to a church service before the concert (a short Catholic mass) in order to ensure a good place for the program. Last year we were up in the balcony, in a corner ( although we could see well enough).

the beautiful life size stations of the cross outside the Basilica
purple - the color during lent
a striking display
almost ready to start - 4 mariachi bands
the junior high group
very talented kids
the high schoolers
the end
an all male mariachi band
the Basilica Mariachi's
a soloist-what is that big instrument on the right
all of the bands playing together
Saturday was our very last Chaplain meeting - it seems like we just had our first one!!! It was a fun time together, but a bittersweet one as two of our couples are retiring. We will continue to see them occasionally, though. The theme this year was "Insight For Ministry" with a different Chaplain presenting the program each month. It was truly interesting as each Chaplain is so individually different in their presentations, but all giving us the insight into our own ministries.
our ladies checking the left over sweets from the retreat
as aways, food is involved
the technology needed to keep us going
Paul Darnell - our technology guru
Bob Gossinger is stepping down from his park chaplain position, to assume, with his wife Liz, the directors of training
the insight for the day, presented by Bob Ostermaier, living in an instant society and learning to wait on the Lord
Chaplain Jim and Linda Paydon, on the left, retiring from a park chaplain but continuing to come to the Valley in the winter , Vicki Troutman, Caring Resources Ministires administration, and Chaplain Raymond and Marian Smith, who are leaving to return to England, but will also be visiting us in the winter.
Spring is almost here and daylight saving time has really messed up my schedule - it will take me a bit to get back to normal. As an old Indian once said, "taking time from the beginning of the day and adding it to the end of the day will not make the day any longer."
There are many people in the Bible who waited on the Lord because they knew God's promise and relied on His love. It involves some effort to wait in the Lord like learning trust Him, because His answer is better than your own. (These thoughts come from Chaplain Ostermaier last Saturday). Wait on the Lord.
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