Well, I do believe I have skipped a week. It certainly was not intentional as Sunday was truly busy, then the days seemed to go by and now it is time for another preussless pathways!!
So many things going on here in the park as well as every where else it seems. The weather seems to be the main issue all over the country. We had very cold mornings - icy conditions which caused the closing of the expressway here - don't know that we have ever seen that happen. Even the Wednesday morning park meeting with donuts was cancelled. Our church board and spouses have been serving donuts for the month of January and we were relieved of our duties last Wednesday!!! It is a fun thing to do as we get to visit with all the residents as we hand out many dozens of donuts as well as serve coffee and hot water for tea. We had made 6 large pots of coffee for Wednesday morning - from all reports, because of the cold, it was all gone by afternoon. Yesterday and today the weather was mild, in the 70's with a brisk breeze.
Our "Helping Hands" sewing group donated 32 quilts to the Great Oaks Food and Clothing Ministry just in time for the cold front last week. It was totally heart warming as many received quilts with tears in their eyes and looks of surprise as they realized the quilts were for them. As we were finishing up the distribution a lady and young boy came as asked if the quilts were for sale. She was walking by and saw people leaving with quilts. We told her that they were free and after registering she and her son chose two quilts which she said were greatly needed as they had a large family and needed extra warmth. It is stories like this that stay in our hearts as we serve those less fortunate than ourselves.
all the beautiful quits donated by "Helping Hands" |
the food pantry is full - praise - the Lord! |
two children with donated Bibles they were happy to receive |
Fred with a very happy girl |
her brother chose this colorful one |
another two happy kids - arms full of warmth - quilts, food, and love |
smiles all around knowing that they will have food for a few days |
she was so proud of her choice - she spoke very little English, but knew "God bless you". |
after everyone was fed and supplied with quilts, we indulged next door in fried pickles!
We did get a chance to fill a van for a tour of CHI/RIN in Reynosa. Some of the people are headed back up North already, so we squeezed in a trip (after the one the day before was cancelled because of ice). A very amazing couple from our park were aboard - they are pastors from Kentucky who arrived here because the Lord led them - to S Texas, to our park, for a specific purpose (which is not made clear to them yet). All they know is that God said He was leading them into the wilderness - what a faith they have. "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? And I said, "Here I am , send me". Isaiah 6:8. How awesome would it be if every one the Lord called answered in this way!!! After we arrived at RIN, we visited the schools where all the kids were excited to see us. One of the couples who are from our home state of Arkansas) sponsor Jose who was thrilled to see them - he would not let Bob alone!
the English teacher - the very first year the kids are earning English
diligently studying a "foreign" language
little Jose loving on Bob
3 little ones who loved to have their pictures taken
Bob, smothered in love and hugs
the old and new schools connected by a roof
some of the kids from the outside homes waiting for their parents to pick them up - the school at RIN is open to area residents who pay a small amount (300 pesos or $30 - $40 a month) for their children to attend a Christian school).
our tiniest baby - Sarah, born in November to housemother (Tia) Susanna
proud Mama Susanna
The week has been filled with Bible study, meetings, a fish dinner, volunteer work, visiting, collecting donations and delivering them, but it is a good feeling of being tired. I can say my housework has suffered because of it, but I have learned to shut my eyes to it. Tomorrow is Sunday - not a day of work, so we are going to the island for a day of a bit of relaxation - housework can wait. A very dear friend of mine showed me how to do this very thing. I had three small girls (she had 4 children). Joyce called me one morning to say that it was a beautiful summer day in Wisconsin and we should pack up the kids and go to a neighborhood lake for the day. My house was a disaster as we had a birthday party the night before and I had not cleaned up anything. I tried to make excuses, but Joyce would not hear any of them. So off we went - two young mothers and 7 kids. What a day we had - our youngest at that time was only two months old, so she slept all afternoon under a shade tree as we all laughed and splashed and played and even ate a picnic lunch in the warm summer sunshine. I'll always remember the lesson she taught me - to take advantage of the things God has made for you with laughter and thanksgiving. It was not many years later that Joyce passed away, but she will always remain as she was that day - full of love and always praising God for the little things. What a lesson indeed I learned that day!!!
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