This is truly a season of giving as has been shown all of this week. Our park, as well as other parks in the Valley have been giving to those in need through various means. One park collects money and buys pajamas for school in need. Others collect reading books and make bookcases for the books for children of families who main language at home is Spanish .The books are in English, which the children learn to read and understand in school and pass that knowledge onto their parents and siblings. Some parks fix baskets for needy families. Our park has raised money for those in dire straits, down on their luck, whose homes are mere shells with 8 or more family members living there. The ministry that we support, Great Oaks Food and Clothing Ministry, has been blessed by over 100 hams and many pounds of non-perishable foods for those living in colonias on this side of the border. One of our Chaplains, Roy Gee, is a Chaplain in a neighboring park. They found themselves with over 50 bags of groceries as well as many large sacks of fruit and produce. I was just praying that we would have enough food for those at Christmas when I received a call from Roy asking if we could use this food!!! Talk about God's provision and timing. Roy and his lovely wife Paula came with their pick-up truck full and we headed for the food pantry with the much needed provisions. We had a car load, too. What a blessing that some families will have enough for a Christmas dinner.
some of the food and other items we packed into our car |
Paula and Roy Gee with the donation from their park |
50 bags filled with beans, rice, tortillas, and candy
One day, along with another neighboring couple, we headed to Hildago, a town right on the Mexican border, to help in the "soup kitchen". We really did not serve soup, but Border Missions is a ministry that helps provide physical as well as spiritual needs to those in desperate need. We were all assigned positions in readiness to serve 250 people a hot noon meal, which I anticipated to take quite awhile. Little did I know that there was a method to this seemingly madness. We served them in less than 1 hour!!! After the meal, a church service was held where about 400 people attended. A lot of these people come across the border from Mexico on a day pass, waking about 1 mile, to receive commodities, a free meal, and the opportunity to hear the word of the Lord. In order to get a day pass, which to my understanding is a bit hard to get, a person must prove that they have a reason to return to Mexico such as family or a home - that way the Mexican government is assured of their return. I was totally amazed at the organization of the serving procedure , as well as the numbers served.
some cakes donated by Costco
one of the ministers preparing to work - there were many of them

the first step - plates, utensils, and a roll
this was my station - you notice there were 2 stations for each type of food - the floor by my feet were full of chocolate cake when we got done but the minister's to my left was not - I had a messier cake!
the beans were added
this was Fred's job - the rice (which was delicious)
we handed the filled plates out a window, where they were served to the waiting lines of people
the recipients sitting outside eating - it was cold that day
the church service and message -
praising the Lord for His provision
one of the volunteers with the bags of clothing to be given away - each one labeled according to size - imagine the amount of volunteers that are needed for this ministry
after the service where many came forward to be blessed and prayed for, the volunteers filled whatever containers the people brought with them - from pillowcases to wire carts. Some were lucky enough to be able to ride in a car, but many waked back across the border.
We went to Progreso, Mexico yesterday to pick up a few medications, which are much cheaper there, and just do a little window shopping on the streets. It had been rainy and drizzly which made the streets muddy and slippery, but it was not too crowded and an enjoyable day. Friends who were with us checked on dentists, as dental work is very good and much cheaper. As we were crossing the bridge into Mexico, we saw two rafts full of people crossing from the Mexican side to the US side but someone must have notified the Border Patrol. A guard was on the phone, trying to tell Border Patrol agents on the American side where the people were. Imagine the determination to get to a free country as to try to cross in daylight with a bunch of Americans watching!!
Chaplain Bill spoke this morning on the last 3 truths of the John 3:16 verse. How we long to be worthy of God's sacrifice for us. How awesome that God's love is accessible to all who believe in Him. He loves us with a love that is non-judgmental. He came not to condemn but to give hope, not to punish but to pardon. His love is beneficial - for those who believe will have eternal life.
This week strive to not be judgmental or condemning, but to be loving and forgiving. Actually, strive to make that a part of your daily life - but begin tomorrow - no - begin today!!!
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