The weather here in S Texas changes quickly - almost before a person sees it coming. Yesterday was quite warm and humid - this morning it was 65 degrees and windy. As we drove to church it was strange to see others in jacket, shawls, and even caps, when yesterday they were standing in the shade to cool off. Pastor Israel's sermon this morning was related to the fact that you have to learn to fight right. So many times there seems to be factors that fabricate stories and ugly lies that keep us from really doing the things that God commands us to do. We have to realize that this, too, will pass. God is the one who fights for us - all we need to do is to bring all of His weapons to the battlefield. The Word of God is the most powerful weapon of all. We just need to be faithful to Him, trust Him with all of our worries, surrender all to Him, and we can defeat the enemy. All of His promises have come true, so stay faithful. Read Joshua 23:14-16. Whatever the fight is that you are fighting now, be it addiction, financial worries, marital problems, problems with your family members, trouble in your school or workplace, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
Last Sunday was the food distribution at the Great Oaks Food and Clothing Ministry (tomorrow is the clothing distribution day - anyone in need may come and select clothing according to their needs). A neighbor and his wife have decided to come along side with us in this ministry and so accompanied us as we helped with the food distribution. Along with the normal items, eggs and limes were available. As there are not many Winter Texans here yet, the food bins at our park have not started to fill up so the items are quite limited, but God still provides enough for those in need. People requesting help simply need to qualify and register for the monthly distribution. Attending the evening church service is not mandatory, but many do come to be spiritually fed as well. God commands us to help those in our neighborhood, cities, states, country, as well as other counties, to the ends of the earth. By doing so, we become His witnesses. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria. And to the ends of the earth". Acts1:8
getting ready to hand out eggs, and lemons |
registering and waiting their turn to pick out food |
thinking about items that she may need |
the children attend a short "learning about the Bible" class also - this proud little girl shows off a project she completed
Yesterday we attended a baby shower in Mexico which was a girls only party. Did I mention that it was hot in S Texas yesterday??? Well, it was much hotter in Mexico where the auditorium has no air conditioning and the only air was from two large fans, of which only one was left on during the shower (for us Americanos). It was a fun time, playing games a bit from those that we were used to. I was a lucky (?) participant in a game where I was a baby sitting on my mother's lap, drinking a bottle. A prize was given for whichever baby drank the bottle the fastest, and which mother was the best mother. Naturally, I had to cry like a baby, etc. Sorry - no pictures available of this at my request!!! But I did win a prize for drinking the bottle the fastest. Tia Susanna who is expecting a baby girl next month was beautiful in her pregnancy and enjoyed herself as much as we did. Of course, there were the traditional beautiful decorations, a spiritual time which is present at every Hispanic event, and tons of food.

Tia Lucia, who makes beautiful decorations, pinning a corsage on Darlene, a CHI volunteer

the gift table

Expectant Tia Susanna and Tia Lucia

braiding our lovely Patti's hair

some of the wonderful treats included some very spicy nuts

everyone had to rip a piece of crepe paper to see who came the closest to measuring Tia Susanna's expanding waist

reading scripture

we had to make babies out of play dough - Tia Susanna chose the best three

Paty posing for yet another picture
Since Lupe left the home, we decided to sponsor another child. After a lot of consideration, we chose Belinda, one of three sisters who came to the home last year, in tattered clothes, no shoes, hungry, and heads full of lice. She has other sponsors but none of them come to visit her at the Haven. We hope that being there in person will help her become more outgoing. Betsy helped me "talk" to her through translation that we were going to be her sponsors. She graced me with a shy smile and took off to join her sisters. When I left, she did allow a hug and yet another shy smile.
sweet little Belinda, pronounced Baleanda in Espanol
As you enter into another week, please pray for us and Chaplain Bill and Ali Artherholt as we enter a new season here at the park. (I jokingly said to a neighbor that even though it has been so quiet here at the park the Winter Texans are starting to trickle in - time to lock the gates). Seriously though, we do need all of them for the park to thrive, for our church services to be effective and grow, and to enjoy the fun of our Winter family.
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