Paty's Quinceanera was indeed the highlight of the CHI events this year. Paty, who is very shy by nature and smiles from her are at a premium. She was all smiles and absolutely glowing, as this day was all for her.
Six of us traveled to Reynosa last Saturday evening prepared to begin the ceremonies at 6 PM. We forgot everything revolves around Mexican time - which means whenever things get under way whenever everyone is ready. At about 6:30 Betsy told us to get ready for the grand entrance, which took place at 6:45!!!
It was truly a beautiful celebration, which included a grand entrance, a walk around the hall, then being seated in the chairs of honor. Cristian, one of the boys at RIN was also 15, so he was included in the ceremony. Normally, this celebration is centered on young girls, but at RIN the boys are also honored. After a greeting by the pastor, the young people were spoken to about their coming responsibilities as young adults, and their responsibility to God. Fred and I then had the honor of placing the ring on Paty's finger (we may have pictures at a later date of this). Both youngsters were presented a Bible, then a pillow was placed on the floor by Paty's sister, Lupe, as Paty knelt to receive the blessing. After that, it was again a promenade around the hall, and the festivities began. Hugs and congratulations were bestowed on the kids, as family members and friends all swarmed around them, with many pictures being posed for and taken. It was a beautiful, tear making time of love and friendship.
the beautiful lilac decorations |
these were live flowers |
the cake, complete with a fountain |
the cake top - even these were live flowers |
the rondallya, serenading the couple, even singing a Mexican version of Happy Birthday |
Paty's sister Lupe with the kneeling pillow |
Paty's grand entrance- with flower petals |
she is muy bonito (very beautiful) |
Paty and Cristian , listening as the Pastor spoke |
receiving her blessing |
Cristian receiving his blessing |
Paty's Mother, on left, and siblings |
even we got our pictures taken |
a sassy pose |
Paty opening a huge box full of gifts, balloons, and crepe paper |
another delicious dinner from Maria - chicken cordon blu with Mexican sauce |
and the ever present green noodles
a fun game where Malena called out "groupa seis" or group six - the people then had to quickly join in a group of six, then try to keep others from joining then - another group number was called and the scramble was on - Fred even was part of this |
she is enjoying this too much
After we all had too much fun, it was time to get ready for bed - we stayed in the honeymoon casa with another couple, woke up early the next day, and stopped at the Holiday Inn in Reynosa for a breakfast buffet. It was very good and quite interesting, as there were many dishes that were unfamiliar. The coffee was excellent, and my favorite were the fried plantains.It was an exhausting week-end, but one filled with many memories. And we get to do this next year when Lupe has her Quinceanera.
"How many are your works, oh Lord ? In wisdom You made them all: the earth is full of Your creatures". Psalm 104:24 As I take my daily walks, I just enjoy the beauty of God's creation, especially all the critters. After a while, a person begins to know and understand their daily habits. Until this week of course (does not everything have an exception). The other morning Fred opened the back door and told me to come quick. There was a whistler duck trying to perch on the power lines with his web feet!!! He did manage to balance for a minute or two - while up on the power pole sat another whistler. The next day as I was walking up to get the mail, the sparrows were in a flying frenzy - a huge number of them were flying in a helter skelter manner - so low that I had to be careful walking through them. There were hundreds of them!!! It was surreal and totally out of character. A low front was coming in, so maybe that had something to do with it. There are so many wonderful things to see if we just take time to look around.

this strange tree has no leaves, but many purple flowers

amazing huge amaryllis flowers next to normal red ones
the Easter Lilies are blooming and smell so beautiful
another sight in the quietness of the park, a lonely couple playing shuffleboard (or pushy-stick as one friend calls it). Normally these courts are full.
We celebrated a birthday of one of the residents and his wife. They live in Minnesota but are not going be back North until the weather clears there. It was a celebration of life, as a year ago his chances of seeing another birthday were very slim. After weeks of treatments, and many prayers from his church, family, and friends, he is cancer free today. It was so amazing to hear his testimony and praise to the Lord for his healing

friends gathering for Loren Schmitt's birthday celebration
these were soooooooooooo good
Loren smiling as he reflects on another year granted by God
We are starting to planning our trip back to Arkansas where Fred will consult with the doctor about carpal tunnel surgery. It has been bothering him all winter, so he finally decided to get it taken care of. Please pray for successful surgery and complete healing.
Pastor Israel's sermon this morning was about Christ being greater than anything on earth. Hebrews 2:1-4 warns us not to be drifters - it is easy to drift with the current, but harder to swim back upstream. We pray this week and always that we do not drift, as the Devil is the greatest of all enemies, but Christ is greater than any enemy.
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