This is the end of the season here in S Texas, where many Winter Texans are heading home. I missed posting to the blog last week, mostly due to all of the activities, pot lucks, good-bye parties, trips to Reynosa, winding up activities, all of the things that go with season's end. The park is beginning to become more quiet - many of those who have left are not coming back, due to illness, death, and just not being able to make the long trip anymore. We are going to miss them all but they will remain in our hearts and minds as wonderful friends and neighbors.
Last Sunday we were invited to two "clean out the freezer" parties One was from our wonderful next door and back door neighbors who are leaving soon and wanted to make sure they used up all the food they had in their refrigerators and freezers. It was also a good-bye party for neighbors, Dean and Ilene, who were heading home to Minnesota and not returning next year. They have been neighbors since we began coming here 8 years ago. It will seem strange not putting their morning paper on their doorstep every morning, but perhaps I can find another doorstep.
stuffed tomato and peanut buttter stuffed celery appetizers |
good neighbors, great food |
more appetizers |
Dean and Ilene |
desserts, anyone |
Dean and Ilene and a HUGE card for us all
Later that afternoon, we were invited to another party - the couple fishes up North all summer and brings frozen crappies, northerners, bass, and perch here to the Valley for us all to enjoy. Of course, a fish fry is not complete without hush puppies, and dessert!
fish frying and ready for taste testing
you may recognize some of these people from the previous party
Willard, the terrific fish catcher, fryer, and eater!
my favorite, hush puppies
After this marathon eating frenzy on Sunday, we had a pork loin dinner on Monday, and a pot luck on Wednesday. Only one more party to go - a pot luck on Wednesday to honor Chaplain Dennis and Sally Maloney, as they are leaving the Valley this year. Then it is time to exercise and fast!
On Thursday, we took another tour group to Reynosa. One of the gentleman originally worked at RIN 15 years ago, building the kitchen picnic tables for the Casas, as well as some of the original dressers. The look of pride on his face as we toured one of the Casas and there were the dressers that he had constructed - then he noticed that the kitchen picnic tales were still in use. Another one of the gentlemen was part of the work construction crew that built the addition on to the school. It was through his expertise that that project was professionally completed. Also in this group was a couple who sponsor a child and are leaving soon for the North - wanting to see their child again this season. The most wonderful part of sponsoring a child is the fact that anyone can visit them in Mexico as often as they choose. It is such a blessing that the children are learning English so we can communicate better. The last couple on the tour were our CRM Chaplain Paul Darnell and his wife Diane. Paul is our web genius - he wanted to come along and take videos to put on the web site- our video will be up and running on that site shortly. (After viewing the video, I definitely need to walk EVERY day after the amount of dinners and pot lucks we have been having lately). Please keep in mind the verse that describes Children's Haven perfectly and is used as their vision "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name, welcomes Me". Matthew 18:5

the older school on the left with the addition, and the new building which will accommodate two new classrooms and a media lab.

teenagers from an amazing church team from Canada doing the dry walling

this is a mixed group - some from Canada and some from Kansas - they spend a week at RIN doing projects

even outside painting and trim work

Chaplain Paul with the 2nd graders who were intrigued by his camera

all of the teams members preparing to eat
This morning I was priveleged to attend a ladies quarterly brunch (yes, more food - juice, muffins, sausage biscuits, and tamales) at Great Oaks Community Church, lead by Becky Rodriguez, who helped us understand how important women were in the life of Jesus - how they followed Him, supported him, learned from Him, and watched Him die for our sins.
As this Sunday is Palm Sunday, we remember how Jesus was praised by the multitudes shouting, "Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the King of Israel". John 12:13.
Little did they realize that in a few short days they would be crying to crucify Him. As we prepare for Easter Sunday, amidst the Easter bunnies and chocolate eggs, (whoever decided that bunnies brought eggs????), let us try to remember that because of His sacrifice on the cross we are saved - free to enter the kingdom of Heaven to be with our Lord and Savior.
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