Easter is truly a new beginning - a time to celebrate being alive. Being alive not only in the world but in Christ.
Today is the second time in my life that Easter Sunday has been a time when I truly became alive in a new beginning. The first time it was a time in my life when the world seemed to come to an end and there seemed no where to turn. Then I went to church on Easter Sunday and the message seemed pointed directly towards me (why does it seem that way sometimes) promising me that this too will pass and God will see me through life beyond today. And it came to happen - my life eventually became a time devoted to Him and His plan for me. I can see the path so clearly from where it lead from there to where I am today. The path from worldly uncertainty to spiritual certainty.
Today, as we know where we are in our spiritual certainty, we are wondering where were will be in the worldly uncertainty. There are many changes in our small piece of this earth - we are saying good-bye to our former Chaplain Dennis and Sally Maloney as they step out into worldly uncertainty, along with Chaplain Jack and Karen Gregory. (And we pray that God guides them and protects them in their new venture). They are certain in their spiritual walk, certain that this is the path that God has laid out for them, but not certain how it will all work out. The same is true for us - we will begin the next season here in the Valley with a new chaplain, we will begin a new position as assistant chaplain, a new relationship with park management, our ministry has been placed under a different heading, our relationship with CHI is changing, and our ladies conference is also taking a new path. We accept these changes with the certainty that the Lord is in control, that He is leading and will continue to lead. We have to not get ahead of Him.
This evening is the food distribution time at Great Oaks Community Church - the ministry that God has placed on our hearts. Many of the parks, as well as Alamo Rec Veh, have donated food, as "Winter Texans" prepare to head North for the summer and clean out their food cupboards - the generosity of these folks is amazing. So far this week we have taken two FULL carloads (trunk and back seat) to Great Oaks food pantry for a much needed refill!! The smiles on the faces of those receiving the gifts of food is more reward than any words can portray. It breaks my heart when a child receives a small box of raisins or a bag of cheerios with such joy, knowing that it is theirs personally. A very small thing in our eyes but a huge one in theirs.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
End of the Season
This is the end of the season here in S Texas, where many Winter Texans are heading home. I missed posting to the blog last week, mostly due to all of the activities, pot lucks, good-bye parties, trips to Reynosa, winding up activities, all of the things that go with season's end. The park is beginning to become more quiet - many of those who have left are not coming back, due to illness, death, and just not being able to make the long trip anymore. We are going to miss them all but they will remain in our hearts and minds as wonderful friends and neighbors.
Last Sunday we were invited to two "clean out the freezer" parties One was from our wonderful next door and back door neighbors who are leaving soon and wanted to make sure they used up all the food they had in their refrigerators and freezers. It was also a good-bye party for neighbors, Dean and Ilene, who were heading home to Minnesota and not returning next year. They have been neighbors since we began coming here 8 years ago. It will seem strange not putting their morning paper on their doorstep every morning, but perhaps I can find another doorstep.
Last Sunday we were invited to two "clean out the freezer" parties One was from our wonderful next door and back door neighbors who are leaving soon and wanted to make sure they used up all the food they had in their refrigerators and freezers. It was also a good-bye party for neighbors, Dean and Ilene, who were heading home to Minnesota and not returning next year. They have been neighbors since we began coming here 8 years ago. It will seem strange not putting their morning paper on their doorstep every morning, but perhaps I can find another doorstep.
stuffed tomato and peanut buttter stuffed celery appetizers |
good neighbors, great food |
more appetizers |
Dean and Ilene |
desserts, anyone |
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Only 24 Hours in a Day?
As the season winds down here in S Texas, we assumed our responsibilities would become fewer as the activities wound up for the year and our hours would be less full. But instead our days become fuller every day. Last week was a flurry of activity every day - from a church board meeting with our new chaplain, Bill Artherholt and new board members, to Bible Study on Monday, a trip to Reynosa on Tuesday with a group from Ranchero Village, including Chaplains Bob and Barbara Ostermier, park meeting on Wednesday with a quilt auction and many other prizes, a trip to Progreso with friends, who are leaving for their Wisconsin home Monday and getting bulletins printed on Thursday, ladies Bible Study and salad luncheon Friday, CRM meeting and farewell time with the Maloneys and Gregorys who are leaving the Valley to follow God's direction, CHI fund raiser with auction on Saturday, church and Sunday School plus a welcome reception at board member and musicans Stan and Betty Wilkens' home for our new chaplain today. Tomorrow is a CPR class in the morning, and getting ready for Bible study in the evening. We set our clocks ahead on Saturday night, forgetting that the clock automatically sets itself - therefore we were up at 5 AM - sounds like an early night for us.Our days are full and we are tired at nighttime, but it is a fulfilling tiredness.
We are already working on our ladies God's Worthy Women Retreat next year, hopefully with possibly holding one in Oklahoma this summer. We were surprised to learn that a min- GWW retreat was held in Central Asia last year for the women who had been abandoned and left to fend for themselves and their children. It was a time for the ladies to get together and worship the Lord, to enjoy the Christian fellowship with each other. The only difference is that they take their children with them and we don't but there were activities for the children, too.
We are also meeting with local city officials to see what outreach our church here in the valley can do in this community - where can we best serve others in a positive way. We challenged our ladies Friday Bible study group to think out of the box and and plan for some sort of outreach also. Already some ladies have been brainstorming and come up with great ideas.
As we are now Assistant Chaplains here at the park, our duties will increase, but being a part of CRM is a wonderful privilege that none of this is a burden. It certainly keeps us busy.
As we begin to prepare for Easter Sunday let us remember that Jesus paid a huge price for our salvation - it is free to us but only through the blood of our Lord and Savior.
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Beautiful paper flowers made by Tia Lucia in Reynosa at the Haven |
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tour group from Ranchero Village watching the newest video of CHI/RIN |
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the new school building addition, the roof is on and it is nearing completion |
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the inside of the school - this is the sheet rock ready to hang by a church group |
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our youngest kid - Kayla - if you ask her who is Princess, she pats her belly |
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A church team from Newton, Kansas - this is their 15th year to come to Reynosa to work |
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Fred and Lupe - almost grown up |
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Paty, who will be 15 this year |
reception at the home of the Wilkens' - board members and musicians and spouses
the ladies section
deep discussionWe are already working on our ladies God's Worthy Women Retreat next year, hopefully with possibly holding one in Oklahoma this summer. We were surprised to learn that a min- GWW retreat was held in Central Asia last year for the women who had been abandoned and left to fend for themselves and their children. It was a time for the ladies to get together and worship the Lord, to enjoy the Christian fellowship with each other. The only difference is that they take their children with them and we don't but there were activities for the children, too.
We are also meeting with local city officials to see what outreach our church here in the valley can do in this community - where can we best serve others in a positive way. We challenged our ladies Friday Bible study group to think out of the box and and plan for some sort of outreach also. Already some ladies have been brainstorming and come up with great ideas.
As we are now Assistant Chaplains here at the park, our duties will increase, but being a part of CRM is a wonderful privilege that none of this is a burden. It certainly keeps us busy.
As we begin to prepare for Easter Sunday let us remember that Jesus paid a huge price for our salvation - it is free to us but only through the blood of our Lord and Savior.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
God's timing
We have been searching for a new chaplain for our park for a while now, meetings with the church board and park management, praying, and waiting. One of the persons we were considering (and called by the church board) needed to spend time waiting for an answer from God. We always post a praise in our Sunday bulletin - this week I simply stated "God's timing is perfect - be patient and wait upon the Lord". Last evening, Bill and Alli Artherholt called and accepted our call to be chaplain here at our park. We are extremely honored that he decided to serve here, and are looking forward to next season. We are in the bittersweet time of the year, as we are preparing for Chaplain Dennis and Sally Maloney to go on to another faze of their service to God, glad that God has called them to bigger things, but sad that they must leave us. They have been here at Alamo Rec Veh Park for 8 years, the same amount of time that we have. But we plan on visiting them often as they will only be a little over an hour away from us in Arkansas (they will be in Oklahoma), and of course, we will see them at CRM training.
A bit ago I had a post on things that are constant, never change, I mentioned that the moon was constant, always in the night sky.The other morning it was huge, red, and hazy, but in the evening it was smaller and brilliant bluish white. It is constant in the sense it is always there, as God is a constant in our lives. But the moon changes in color and size depending on the season, temperature, and various other reasons. Just as having God in our lives changes as our needs change - He is always there, but available to us in order to help us in many different ways. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go". Joshua 1:9. There are many verses that remind us God is always with us, Deuteronomy 31:6, 31:8, I Peter 5:7, Hebrews 13:5-6, Hebrews 13:6, and Matthew 28:20 to name a few.
We replanted our key lime tree last week - removing it from it's confining pot into the rich earth. Just as we step out from our comfortable, confined life and into the rich earth of God's promises. We plan on keeping the tree trimmed, yet allowing it to blossom and produce fruit. I can almost taste a key lime pie!
We have three aloe vera plants that have been blooming. I have never seen ours bloom before and was totally surprised to see them do so. Some are purple, but ours are yellowish. They are bursting out of the pots - we would like to plant them in the yard, but they are very invasive - spreading all over and taking over the yard. Sort of like vicious gossip and lies, that have no foundation and are just spread to create chaos and discontent.
We have the most gorgeous sunsets here in S Texas (although, even if I am biased, I think the sunrises and sunsets in NW Arkansas are the best). Our trailer faces south, so we can see the sunsets from our living room. It seem that everyday the colors are so different. Pictures certainly do not do it justice.
Our work at Great Oaks Community Church Food and Clothing Ministry is keeping us busy - our park has stepped up to the plate again and provided almost daily full bins of food, especially protein (tuna, Spam, chicken, etc) for those living in the colonias. We deliver a trunk load of food weekly, and sometimes twice a week. The Lord blesses many times over those who give to the less fortunate.
Children's Haven International is celebrating it's 40th anniversary with many activities on both sides of the border. Many of the people who were involved in building the original Casas, picnic tables, and furniture have been invited to the week long celebration. We are taking a tour group of women to the haven in Reynosa on Tuesday - many of them were inspired by our God's Worthy Women Conference which encouraged women to become involved in mission work.
As we are leading up to Holy Week, let us not forget that Jesus Christ died on the cross for us, to forgive us of our sins, guaranteeing us everlasting life with Him in heaven if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. May all of you have a very blessed week.
A bit ago I had a post on things that are constant, never change, I mentioned that the moon was constant, always in the night sky.The other morning it was huge, red, and hazy, but in the evening it was smaller and brilliant bluish white. It is constant in the sense it is always there, as God is a constant in our lives. But the moon changes in color and size depending on the season, temperature, and various other reasons. Just as having God in our lives changes as our needs change - He is always there, but available to us in order to help us in many different ways. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go". Joshua 1:9. There are many verses that remind us God is always with us, Deuteronomy 31:6, 31:8, I Peter 5:7, Hebrews 13:5-6, Hebrews 13:6, and Matthew 28:20 to name a few.
the blossoms on the aloe vera
this plant is bursting at the seams, as are the other two we have - all of this was started from one tiny plant
this poor cactus had it's head loped off in a tragic accident (a door fell on it - don't ask), we nurtured it for awhile and all of a sudden all these new spouts began to grow, including those on top.
South Texas sunset
We had the opportunity of listening to the United States Air Force Band, Dimensions in Blue, a jazz ensemble in McAllen on Wednesday. The airman (and women) assigned to the band are highly trained professional musicians who have dedicated themselves to serving their country through music. This area loves the "Winter Texans" and offers all types of entertainment for little or no cost. We try to take in some of them, but to do all would be impossible.Our work at Great Oaks Community Church Food and Clothing Ministry is keeping us busy - our park has stepped up to the plate again and provided almost daily full bins of food, especially protein (tuna, Spam, chicken, etc) for those living in the colonias. We deliver a trunk load of food weekly, and sometimes twice a week. The Lord blesses many times over those who give to the less fortunate.
Children's Haven International is celebrating it's 40th anniversary with many activities on both sides of the border. Many of the people who were involved in building the original Casas, picnic tables, and furniture have been invited to the week long celebration. We are taking a tour group of women to the haven in Reynosa on Tuesday - many of them were inspired by our God's Worthy Women Conference which encouraged women to become involved in mission work.
As we are leading up to Holy Week, let us not forget that Jesus Christ died on the cross for us, to forgive us of our sins, guaranteeing us everlasting life with Him in heaven if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. May all of you have a very blessed week.
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