Sitting here on a cool Sunday afternoon where everything is quiet and calm. But this will not last. Our 5th annual God's Worthy Women Conference is coming up this Friday. Sally Maloney and I have worked getting this prepared since last fall. All of the pre-preparation seems to take lots of praying, time, and planning. Sally gets all of the groundwork done, from securing the date with the Echo Hotel, to contacting the speakers, and booking them. I remember a few years ago we also planned the meals and bought all the food. The chaplains prepared it and served all the ladies (they really enjoyed that part of it). As we outgrew our hall here at the park, we moved to a larger conference area and a buffet luncheon. After all of the praying, planning, advertising, praying, printing, and more prayer, we are ready!!!! We have a large number of ladies signed up, paid for, and eagerly awaiting Friday where we hope to inspire in them a love and involvement for missions. It will be a day a great fellowship, praising the Lord in song, a style show, and a lot of fun, too. We still have work to be done before Friday when we host over 100 Christian ladies.
Today at our park we had a re-statement of marriage vows, with 19 couples participating. Can you believe the combined total of years represented was over 900 years???? What an amazing accomplishment. One of the gentleman just had a pacemaker put in this week, but he and his wife were there to repeat their vows. Since those participating were both Protestant and Catholic, it was a shared service with Chaplain Dennis Maloney and Father Reynoud Wijtman (the Padre as we call him). Two appropriate scriptures were read (Genesis 1:26-28, 31a and Colossians 3:12-17) to remind us all of the sanctity of the marriage vows. It was a special and moving time for those participating as well as for those of us who were present. After the ceremony a reception was held hosted by the Church @ Alamo Rec Veh Church Board. A simple fare of cake (delicious, made and decorated by one of our own park residents), mints, nuts, and punch. The simple punch recipe (2 liters Sprite, one container of sherbet, softened) was a big hit also.
candles for each couple as well as a red rose for the ladies |
Earlier I mentioned our wonderful neighbors who planted flowers in their back yards which I can see from our back door every time I walk down the hall. God has created such a beautiful environment for us to enjoy. As our relationship with Him grows and strengthens, so does our awareness of His creation. It seems that all of nature becomes more vivid and alive. I hope that I never get tired of hearing the birds sing, or look in wonder at a new blossom, or smell the sweet smell of orange blossoms in the air.
tall sunflowers |
more sunflowers |
neighbor Kay and their lilies |
our blooming aloe vera |
aloe vera blossom |
this flower is as big as a dinner plate |
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