As I began to resume my morning walks, I noticed the gorgeous moon, half hidden by the clouds. I was startled by the thought that the night before I observed the same exact moon, also half hidden by the clouds. I was almost mesmerized by the thought that this could be the night before, rather than morning. I was reminded of Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever". Jesus is as constant as the moon, sun, and stars in the sky. He is always there, as is the moon in the daytime - we cannot see it but are certain that it and He are there.
I love our neighbors here in South Texas. Our next door and back door neighbors have planted flowers in the back "yard" - they cannot enjoy them every day, but every time I walk past our back door, I see the beauty of them. I watched them grow from tiny flowers poking through the soil into the beautiful flowers and foliage that they are now. The more my relationship with the Lord grows, the more my observation of His creation grows. Is just just me, or are the flowers more beautiful, the bird's songs more melodious, the sky more blue, the world just more perfect??
back door beauty
I think I had mentioned that our Helping Hands group here at the park donated quilts to the Great Oaks Food and Clothing Ministry - a fairly new ministry that we were a part of helping to establish. Last Sunday, which was the normal food distribution day, also involved in the handing out of quilts. The smiles and hugs of those who received quilts were just amazing. They were surprised and totally appreciative of the new quilts - which were distributed just in time as the evenings turned colder. "Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality" Romans 12:13
sign on the door announcing the ministry

At first I was dismayed at the seemingly small amount of food available for distribution, but then remembered that God only brought enough people for the amount of food available. My heart was filled with awe as more people showed up at the end of the distribution time asking if they, too, could have some food. There was plenty for all. "Taking the five loaves and two fish and looking up to the heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves....they all ate and were satisfied". Mark 6:41 and following.
lemons, oranges, and onions donated by a nearby park.
bread and pastries donated by a local store
learning to share, a small boy helps to distribute rice
a volunteer helping to fill the bags of someone in need
Becky Rodriguez, of Great Oaks Community Church, presenting a handicapped lady with a new, warm quilt
a very happy mother and son along with Fred
these ladies were surprised that the quilts were for them and hugged all of us
doesn't she look happy and proud
We made another trip to Reynosa this past week, taking a tour group from a local RV Park. Some of the people had been to RIN before, but some had not. It was a very pleasant trip across the border, not much traffic, and lots of questions from the "Newbies". After arriving and taking a quick break with coffee and cookies, they were treated to a video explaining Children's Haven International and it's beginnings and mission. We visited the Casa under renovation, the newly completed Casa, as well as one of the older Casas awaiting renovation. Of course, we visited the elementary school, being welcomed with Hello and Hola!!! The second graders proudly showed us their latest project, each one waiting for our praise. After the tour, we gathered in the auditorium for luncheon, which again was excellent - chicken mole, rice, and some sort of beverage. I think it tasted somewhat like coconut and was very good. Fred abstained when he heard the word coconut!!!!

part of the tour group enjoying homemade cookies and fresh coffee
the grade schools kiddos being released from school - they went to their Casas, changed clothes, and joined us for luncheon.
Kayla, our youngest at RIN, not too sure about me taking her picture. I tried 3 times before I caught her looking at me.
some homemade quilts - they will be distributed to wherever they are needed at RIN
new homes being built near RIN - look at the beautiful colors!
As you work through this coming week, please keep Great Oaks Community Church in your prayers as they look for direction from God - some land to purchase for a new church (as well as the funds for a down payment), or a building in their financial reach, or expansion in some area. Right now they are in a holding pattern, waiting for God to tell them which way to go. Their congregation has grown and area for the food and clothing ministry is becoming very limited. They desperately need more space!!!
God walk with each and every one of you this week - may He bring favor and surprises on all of you in His name.