I saw this on face book - pray for each and every victim of the shooting by name, thanking God for their life on earth and being secure in the knowledge that they are now safe in the arms of the Lord.
After putting out a plea for hams for the Great Oaks Food and Clothing Ministry, our park has again shown their amazing gift of love and giving. We have collected 114 hams, cases of vegetables, and other Christmas meal items which is enough to feed over 50 families in the colonias on the American side of the border. There has been a series of articles in the local newspaper featuring these families and their struggle to survive. Stories of children sleeping with machetes to kill any rattlesnakes crawling between their walls, coming in through the holes in the floors perhaps to eat the mice and rats also rampart in the walls of their homes. These are not people who refuse to work - they are people who are down on their luck such as a single father, trying to raise his 4 children. He is a truck driver, but cannot work as he has no one to care for his children while he is on the road, trying to make a decent living. Despite all of this poverty, the families seem to have a positive attitude. They find pleasure in small things, hope resides in their trust and faith in the Lord. "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore, I command you to be openhanded towards your brothers and to the poor and needy in your land". Deuteronomy 15:11 If we can beings smiles to the faces and comfort to the stomachs of just a few of these folks we will be doing as the Lord asks of us. We have been invited to be a part of the food distribution this evening - we both feel it is a great privilege to do this, as just other volunteers helping our brothers in obedience and love.
A group of us attended an open house at the local women's shelter "Women Together" , Mujeres Unidas in Espanol. Our park church partners with them in our offerings for a month .Our "Helping Hands" group provides quilts, toys, and hats for the residents. Because of privacy and safety issues, I could only take a few pictures, but we were welcomed to the facility and served a wonderful lunch. I happened to sit next to a young, mid-twenties man whose ministry it is to provide anger and violence management to Hispanic men in the colonias. Most of these men have grown up in a violent environment, and will pass that along to their sons unless they learn to control their tendencies. He provides a five step program, involving anger and violence in the family, workplace, and community. It was his goal to enroll 200 men in this program - he wound up with 310!!! What a blessing that this young man would use his talents to provide for others and to break this strand of violent behavior. And we admire the men to want to learn to be better husbands and fathers. Many times women will seek help, but for men to do so is truly a miracle.

some of the volunteers from our park (and myself) at the shelter
a great luncheon - tamales, beans rice, ice tea, cake and cookies - i need my
3 mile walk every morning to keep from gaining weight!
Another event this week was a ladies Saturday morning brunch at Great Oaks Community Church. We all took the time to praise and thank the Lord for our own blessings. Becky Rodriguez was the model of hospitality as she provided us with a Christmas setting - a manger scene at every table, small gifts for everyone, and a beautiful surroundings. She proceeded to tell us the story behind each manger scene as it pertained to her.. Some were presents, some were acquired for specific purposes (as was the Fisher Price manger, purchased to keep her grandchildren from breaking her special ones), and some were family treasures. We discussed each figure in the scene, portraying what that particular figure meant to us. I guess I never thought about each figure individually - Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus, shepherds, Magi, and even the animals and angels. Each one had is purpose and meaning to God, as it should also to us. It was a time for fellowship, praising the Lord, and just taking a break from the hectic season. After a brunch (yes, food again) of tamales (another 3 mile walk), pan dulce (sort of Mexican sweet rolls), McDonald's biscuits, refried beans, coffee and juice, we were graced with a duet from Becky and her granddaughter - a beautiful song that helped us all remember to pass along God's never ending love - from father to son, from mother to daughter, from family and friends. As we are nearing the blessed Christmas Eve, the birth of our Lord and Savior, let us also be reminded of His great sacrifice for us - a sacrifice that assures our place in heaven if we only accept Him and believe.
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