The evenings are so beautiful that I try to walk every night - hopefully 3 miles (around the entire park). This evening was a bit less as I got a later start and it began to turn dark (I do not do dark).
The winter "families" are returning as there were a few more golf carts cruising the park - one couple even had their cat with them. We were saddened to hear that another couple will be selling out this year due to illness. We pray for those who are not returning, but are forever in our hearts.
a large white crane across the lake - as you can see the lake is very low right now |
a strange tree in the park - any ideas? |
the lake is filling up - the birds are singing with joy |
Sally and I have finally mastered the 2 mile walk video - now we can work with the ladies and feel comfortable about it. We walk with the video twice a week, hoping that many ladies will join us, as we begin to invite them. The video, a Christian inspired work-out by Leslie Sansone is available from our website. Just go to the website, click on "about us", then Christian Book Dist. In the search field on that site, just type in Sansone - she has quite a few work-out videos, but this one seems the best suited for our ladies. The videos are very reasonable. CRMI receives a donation for everything ordered from this site, thus enabling our continued work for the Lord.
We made a trip to Reynosa this past week, transporting items to the Haven for the carnival/neighborhood party held there on Saturday. This is a great fund raiser that is held every year with games, fun, food, and prizes, as well as spreading the word of God to the many invited neighborhood families We also had two travelers along with us, Tyler and Cheryl, a wonderful couple who are working at the Haven with a TEAM from the Central Community Church in Chilliwack, British Columbia. This church TEAM has been to Reynosa before, but this is the first time for this couple. They are a young family, with 3 daughters (the daughters stayed in Canada with their grandparents), who are planning to enter the mission field on a full time basis. It was amazing listening to their testimony, their plans for mission work which involves a great challenge to them as a family. Right now they are just in the planning stages, not knowing where God wants to "plant them", when or how they are going to start. They have just placed their faith in God, letting Him take the lead in this situation. Add them to your prayer list - to strengthen their decision to step out in faith and to understand God's calling.
part of the Chilliwack TEAM waiting in the lunch line at RIN. This group has been there all week, doing whatever physical labor is necessary |
Cheryl and Tyler - an amazing couple (Hmmmm- maybe I should be walking more than I am) |
Paty and Lupe - sisters we sponsor - they are growing up to be beautiful young ladies |
We did not work at the carnival in Reynosa this year, as the annual golf fund raiser here on the American side was also the same day. The Reynosa Association de Maquiladoras y Manfactureras AC (the manufacturers and warehouses along the border in Reynosa) holds this every year as a fund raiser for several ministries. CHI is very blessed to be able tobe included, allowing us to convey to everyone the purpose behind CHI and how important donations and fund raisers like this are to the organization. We chose to help raise funds at the golf outing, trying to plant the seed of love for mission involvement in all those who attended. CHI's Bible verse that exemplifies their vision is Matthew 18:5, "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me". We were again stationed at the 8th hole, where the golfers tried to get a hole in one in order to win a new car. It was a fun filled day as 180 golfers covered the greens.
set up and ready to go |
the men planning their strategy |
the team |
and here come the golfers |
the first team teeing off |
watching the 8th hole to verify a winner |
And now on a more personal note - the Fayetteville, Arkansas School District ran a shampoo collection drive for the district's disadvantaged and homeless student population. They collected 1116 bottles to be given out for months to come. With extend sincere thanks to all who donated and to the Technology Director for giving the Technology Department the tools and the time to do it. I mention this because our youngest daughter, Christine, is a part of that department and we are so proud of her for her willingness to step out and help serve - in a sense, she, too, is working in the mission field - helping those less advantaged than she.
the tech team with 1116 bottles of shampoo - our daughter, Christine, in the middle |
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