We woke up this beautiful Sunday morning to the soft sound of rain - much needed here in S. Texas. After a Sunday morning study of Psalms with Chaplain Dennis, we attended services at Great Oaks Community Church with a very thought provoking sermon from Pastor Israel entitled "Forgive As You Have Been Forgiven". Not only do we hurt ourselves and others when we don't forgive, we also hurt God. As Peter asked Jesus,"Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother when He sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered," I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times". Matthew 18:21-22. There is no limit to God's forgiveness, nor is there no limit when we forgive others.
Friday, we traveled to Reynosa to RIN along with volunteers Jesse and Darlene Curtsinger for the August-September birthday celebration for the children with birthdays during those months. The theme was "Oscar Night", including a red carpet to honor those with birthdays, as well as presenting "Oscars" to those children who won the most votes for most congenial, funniest, etc. The Curtsingers and we also won an award for being the best volunteers there (we were the only volunteers there, but it helped our ego). It was a fun night, with the kids really getting into walking the red carpet, eating popcorn before supper (a late supper at 9 PM), and cheering on their favorites as the winners were announced. Much excitement followed as Malena counted down from 3, 2, 1 and the honorees dove into their birthday presents. Later (much later - 11 PM) the excitement died down, the popcorn all eaten, the children worn out (as well as us adults) we surveyed the left over party decorations and longed for a soft bed. As it was so late, we had planned on staying over at RIN in the "honeymoon suite", the Casa reserved for the houseparents when they have a week-end off. As the extreme heat had turned into a cool breeze, we sat outside enjoying the coolness and quiet of the refuge. Later, we trooped inside around midnight and had our first sleepover with the Curtsingers, although we were so tired we all retired and immediately fell asleep.
Nelson hamming it up with Darlene |
some of the girls dressed up for Oscar night |
thank you. thank you |
walking the red carpet
enjoying popcorn
baby Kayla with the chicken pox - can you see an epidemic throughout the refuge?
the happy birthday recipients
Paty and Lupe with their awards
for all of my fans, I thank you!!!!! Dan the Man
We have had a huge influx of hummingbirds at the feeder. Many of them are migrating - stopping here for a couple of weeks, filling up on nectar, then heading farther South. We fill the feeder constantly, even for the occasional Oriole who shows up. There are many different types of hummingbirds, as well as two different types of Oriels that we have seen. There have been 9+ birds at the feeder at one time, others flying around waiting their turn. We often praise the beauty of creation, but also must remember to praise the Creator, who created all of this and gave it to us for our enjoyment. Read Genesis 1:29-30

one happy bird

now there are two

and three

one more makes four

fifth one in for a landing
So far we have seen nothing of the rabbit who was building a nest in our flower bed. Perhaps they build more than one, and wait to see which is the safest??? We did not disturb the nest nor touch anything around it, but I think she decided that having her brood under the neighbor's bushes was safer. We will wait and see if she shows up, butwe have seen a rabbit hopping around that may be her, only skinner.
You all have a wonderful week, be blessed by our Lord in all that you do.
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