I cannot believe how the Lord has opened doors for additional opportunities to serve Him!! And what always truly amazes me is how He places all of the right people in the right places to make things happen. We are opening doors in another ministry whereby hand made quilts are placed in the colonias (barrios, poor Latino neighborhoods here in the Valley of S Texas) for children and parents. Children's Haven International received a large quantity of quilt tops and backing to be put together and quilted for the ninos in Reynosa, but due to the fact that they were not large enough, Vicki, the awesome quilter for the Haven, donated them to our sewing group, Helping Hands, here at our park, The people, men and women both, began putting together quilts from these pieces, adding when necessary, etc. Someone got in touch with two men from the clergy who actually go to the colonias with donations and agreed to take us to deliver these quilts personally - and I get to go along!!!! Hopefully, I will have pictures for you soon. Imagine the numbers of people involved - the ladies who made the tops, the person who transported them here from Illinois, Vicki, who donated them to our park, those who actually made the quilts, tied them, and readied them for delivery, the clergy who are taking us to the colonias. And, I almost forgot, a local hotel who donated sheets to be used for additional backing if necessary. Nothing is wasted - all of the scraps are used to fill home made doggie beds that are donated to the local humane shelter. Only the hand of God could orchestrate such an undertaking!!! And we are ever so grateful to Him.
Our 4 daughters contributed money at Christmas towards the purchase of Bibles for the two girls we sponsor in Reynosa: Lupe and Paty. We had them engraved with their legal names and hope to deliver them soon. Thanks to our daughters for their loving and kind natures!!!
Bible for Patricia Carolina and Maria Guadalupe
The Church at Alamo Rec Veh Park (our church here in Texas) had a very moving and beautiful Memorial Service last Saturday. It was a time to remember all of those who went on to be with the Lord that were residents here at the park. Each name was read, followed by a moment of silence, then a chime on the organ for each one. The service was lead by Chaplain Dennis Maloney, with help from Rev. Reynould Wijtman of the Liberal Catholic Church of Canada, bringing a sense of fellowship betweeen two counties and denominations. Father Reynould is a winter resident here at the park and a great help to our chaplain.
The Lord has brought another ministry to our hearts here in the Valley, as well as a few others across the border. We need your prayers as we decide how would be the best way the Lord can use us in these areas.
We had another CRM Chaplains meeting this month but due to the Memorial Service here at our park we were not able to attend, although did meet them in Port Isabell for a fellowship meal at Pelican Station, a branch of Dirty Al's in South Pardre Island. The food was wonderful as usual. I had my first taste this season of fresh Padre Island shrimp ( coconut shrimp) and savored every bite.
There were two hay wagons full of fresh veggies and fruit here at our park on Friday - fresh being picked the day before!!!! We purchased a large, beautiful head of cauliflower, a head of lettuce that looked like a croissant when you broke it in half because it was so fresh and light, some tomatoes, some green onions, green peppers, and very fresh cilantro, all for the small sum of $5.25. How I love the fresh fruit and veggies here. I miss them terribly when we return back North for the summer.
All is well here, beautiful weather, good friends, and the love and favor of the Lord. I pray that we always stop and listen to God as He continues to direct us.
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