As this Thanksgiving Day is almost upon us, we all need to reflect on the bounty of favor God has granted us, as we often forget in the hustle and bustle of daily activities to thank God for the little things - a close parking space, a great deal on a big purchase, the wonderful weather, blue sky, flowering bushes, friends, just being alive. We all have things in our lives that seem to present us with problems every day, some things are on-going, some are physical, some emotional and even some spiritual. Just dwell on the positive things in your life, and the negative things will not seem so important. Thanks and thanksgiving is mentioned so many times in the Bible - there in itself is a message. "Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name: make known among nations what He has done". I Chronicles 15:18
white roses on our patio |
look what He created! |
hot pepper plant - lots of peppers and more blooms |
Our Monday night Bible study this past Monday was totally awesome!!! We did have a lesson to study and try to get through, but because the Holy Spirit was with us, we had a time of fellowship with discussion, testimony, revelations, and answered questions. Thanks to everyone who was there and all of your support. Fred and I feel so unworthy of leading this group, but God has been with us all of the way.
our Bible Study class - small now but it will grow every week
We had a CRM chaplains meeting Saturday at Alamo Rec Veh Park, as most of our chaplains are now here in the Valley. It was so nice to greet those we have not seen for awhile. Of course, we had a pot luck. I forgot my camera in all the hustle, but I'm sure if you go to baker's you will see many from LaVon Baker, our CRM camera guru! Whoops, I just checked it and saw nothing about CRM - she must have slowed down for the holidays, as I don't see any there yet.
We want to wish everyone a very happy and wonderful thanksgiving, filled with all of God's blessings!!!
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