We are settled in here in South Texas for the winter, enjoying the absolutely perfect weather this last week. Cool morning, breezy days (only have to turn the a/c on late afternoons), cool, quiet evenings. Already have had one church service, one pot luck, one patio party, and two park meetings, not counting the other meetings attended in relationship to our duties here at the park.
God instructs us to help others, love others, and spend our time in service to Him. "You my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature: rather serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command, "love your neighbor as yourself". Galatians 5:13-14.
There are so many opportunities to serve, and so little time to do them!!! As chaplains for CHI, our main service responsibility is to minister to the volunteers. We do so by Bible Study on Monday nights (we are startiing our first study this coming Monday) - pray for wisdom and understanding as we show others the wonder of God. We also have a prayer time on Tuesdays, which involves whomever is at work that day, as well as any others who wish to join in. Our prayer focuses on CHI, the children, the houseparents, and directors. Sometimes we have specific requests, as you can imagine with almost 60 children and 5 sets of houseparents, as well as teachers. Other times we just pray for the continuance of God's blessing on CHI. We also include any individual requests from those present, which many times demands that we stop and pray at that very moment.
Our volunteer duties at CHI on the American side are at the resale shop/office in Pharr, Texas. It is not a large shop, but we are blessed with many, many donations of saleable items. I work in the store most of the time, sorting and marking items, as well as acting as cashier. It is fun to see familiar faces again, as well as the many newcomers who have recenty heard about us. I get a chance to practice my limited Spanish. I do not fear being laughed at anymore, as the people aer willing to correct my errors, and help me with pronunciation and new words. CHI is planning a huge 3 day yard sale this week , so we all have been getting ready for that. It is quite a production, with many volunteers working daily, both inside and out. Fred and the other men volunteers have been busy setting up tents and whatever it is that men have to do to prepare for this sale. They have also been traveling around the area, doing pick-ups as people call in with donations. We have everything from clothes, to holiday items. electronics, and furniture. This is a great fund raiser for CHI and the time goes very fast.
the inside if the resale shop, with the many clothes we have for sale - we only feature name brand nice as new clothing |
Some of the Halloween items we had for sale |
yes, we have Christmas things already
CHI has many more fund raisers, from trips to the home in Reynosa, to birthday parties for the children, a carnival in Reynosa involving the surrounding area as well as other refuges, Christmas parties, Mexican Independence Day, etc. It is not all fun and games, though. It is much easier to take pictures of the fun activities than it is to try to show everyone the behind the scenes everyday activity just to keep CHI running.
The Church at Alamo Rec Veh is also giving everyone an opportunity to give and serve. We are sponsoring a "Christmas in a Sock" program, where we donate socks and t-shirts to women incarcerated in prison in Arkansas. This program is close to my heart, as I have attended several Prison to Purpose retreats, and have seen where the PAL program (a Bible based program for inmates) has changed the life of so many of the women in prison - giving them hope and a reason to give their lives to God. Check out their website at
In addition to Toys for Tots, our church and the park itself are sponsoring many other areas where a person can serve - a person does not have to participate in every one of them, just those that touch your heart.
Many of our winter friends are coming back "home" so we pray for travel mercies for them. We are looking forward to seeing everyone, and feeling sad for those not returning., In many cases of a death in the family, we are content in the knowledge that they are with the Lord, enjoying the benefits of all the promises He has made to us. Oh, to have Bob Fleck return and tell the wonderful stories of heavenly eternal life!!!!! What stories they would be.