We left Arkansas last Wednesday headed for our winter home in Alamo, Texas. I was sad to leave the beautiful mountainous area where we live in the summer - the rolling hills (called mountains by the locals, and every one of them named). The area we live in is in sort of a valley,surrounded by this magnificent scenery.
the rolling hills of NW Arkansas |
We knew it was time to head South, as fall was in the air, and Children's Haven was calling. Our time in Arkansas seemed short, but the Haven needs volunteers and chaplains, as the summer workers have finished for the year and us winter Texans are all due to arrive. Children's Haven office and resale shop runs entirely on volunteer work, and the summer crew is overwhelmed with work, due to the skeleton staff. We are a welcome relief to them as well as being excited about resuming Bible studies and prayer time. This year we may do a study from a study booklet - perhaps Corinthians I & II. But when we get organized, we will decide as a group what we want to do. Pray that God leads us to the perfect study, as he did last year.
The hay is baled - fall is indeed in the air |
As we traveled South, we marveled at the beautiful landscape, the wonderful traveling weather, and seeing all of God's creation around us. It was not long before we left Arkansas behind and wove our way through Oklahoma.
OOOklahoma, where beauty abounds |
Eastern Oklahoma vistas
It did not take long to arrive in Texas, but as usual, I forgot that the sun rose and the sun set, and we would be in Texas yet and not to our destination.
Welcome to the Lone Star State |
A very dry, parched land |
One of the many burned areas of Texas. There were numerous large and small areas all along the way which showed signs of fire.
Whataburger - YES - we are in Texas |
Before even heading to Alamo Rec, we stopped at Children's Haven to deliver some donation checks and say hi to everyone. Their first question was "when are you coming in to work?". I'm sure it was said jokingly, but I could see the desperation in their eyes!!! We needed a few days to get settled and re-oriented again, but promised them we would be in very soon. Of course, the director, Betsy Chacon, gave us our first assignment - to try to find a hall for a benefit councert.
"Home" at last. we give praise and glory to God for our safe travels, and pray that He grant travel mercies to all who will be heading this way soon.
"You who ride on white donkeys, you who sit on rich carpets, and you who travel on the road, sing". Judges 4:10. Sing God's praises as you travel.
The day after we arrived in Alamo, the rain began - it poured for quite a while bringing much need moisture to the parched area. We give thanks to God, acknowledging Him as a source of all blessings.
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