This past week has called for more than 24 hours in a day to say the very least. We are busy preparing for the Christmas Eve program at church which has always been so special to me. When our girls were little we always attended Christmas Eve services and programs which seemed such an extraordinary time. It is also our youngest daughter's birthday, so we made sure we celebrated with her first, attended Christmas Eve services, then proceeded to go home to see what Santa had brought. A few Christmas Eve's always stand out in my mind - as we were going home from church services one quiet night, a small plane was flying over the area - it did look strange with the lights on - sort of like a sleigh!! Of course, one of the girls saw it and immediately knew Santa was headed for our house!! Another Christmas morning there were footprints in the snow on the neighbor's roof - he had to check his chimney for some reason. That totally convinced the girls that Santa was real! Another time, as our youngest daughter was sitting on Santa's lap at a store (the older girls felt they were too old to believe in Santa). Santa addressed the older girls - asking if the were the sisters of the one on his lap. They sort of shook their heads yes - slightly embarrassed. He then proceeded to tell them that they would receive presents even if they fought with each other. The look on their faces was priceless -"how did he know" was their reaction. The greatest memories are the Christmas Eve services - the quietness of the church itself, the almost sacred feeling of being in the presence of the Baby Jesus, the awe of knowing that God loved us so much that He sent his Son to give us life everlasting. What a gift!!!!
The Christmas program at RIN in Reynosa was this past week - a much awaited event for the kids as well as for all of us sponsors. We left the office in Pharr about 10 AM, picked up some folks at an RV park, and headed across the border. We were one of four vans, all friends and sponsors of the kids at the refuge. As we settled in at the auditorium, we noticed there were no decorated Christmas trees, no cookies and coffee for us visitors. Betsy and Malena (the American and Mexican directors) seemed confused as to why everything was not ready, when two men entered, announcing that all had to go to Bethlehem to be counted in the census. We went through a door which looked like a road and found ourselves in Bethlehem where we had to register and pay our taxes. (Betsy had provided each of us with 10 gold coins to spend). There were many "booths" where we could spend these coins, each booth attended by those who lived in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus' birth. It was so very realistic that we all got into the spirit of it all. After we paid out "taxes" and entered our names on the census rolls (using a feather quill and ink) we purchased coffee and sweets from one booth, fruits, dates, and nuts from another, we stopped by the angels and purchased an angel ornament, then into the sheep pen where we received a paper sheep and a marshmallow for our coin. Each booth was so cleverly done, with a Scripture verse pertaining to that particular booth. After we were finished in Bethlehem, we returned to enjoy listening to the kids who had learned to play guitar. then came a delicious lunch (which included the famous green noodles), We were encouraged to visit the Casas (homes) and proceeded to the gymnasium where there were 5 decorated trees and all the gifts for the kids. Such excitement. After all the gifts were distributed, the countdown began - 3,2, 1. The sounds of paper ripping and kids shouting was so pleasant to hear! After the tiring day, we returned to the US - exhausted, but so very blessed to be able to give these kids a Christmas to remember - first of all the celebration of Jesus' birth as well as presents - some of which were the very first present that some of these kids had ever received.
Betsy and Melana inviting us to go to Bethlehem |
"everyone must register for the census" |
Bethlehem awaits us |
beautiful costumes |
from the manger to the tomb - |
the angels announce the birth |
and the Baby is born |
the sheep pen |
fruits and nuts |
Bob Steele, President of the board with Dulce - a girl who was raised at RIN, sent to college, and is now a lawyer in Mexico |
Paty, one of the girls we sponsor, playing guitar |
very talented kids |
Paty, us, and her other sponsors from Canada |
Paty and Belinda, both of the girls we sponsor |
the beautiful trees, each one representing a Casa (house) |
kids are the same all over - shaking packages |
patiently waiting the distribution |
a Canadian visitor with her gift - elf slippers |
this little gal was so patient - waiting for the signal |
now she can open them |
a frenzy of package opening - 53 excited kids
So much more happened this week, a new ministry visited, a golf cart parade, a park Christmas party ( we needed more than 24 hours in each day) but will post all the activities in the coming weeks. This coming week is as full as the past week was - what a wonderful busy time though. It feels so wonderful as we serve those less fortunate than we are. The smiles, the tears, the excitement is worth every minute of our time.
As we prepare for Christmas Day, reread the marvelous, miraculous story of the birth of Jesus - the greatest gift ever given. My favorite version is in the Book of Luke - try reading this same story in Matthew, Mark, and John. It is exciting to realize that His birth was foretold in the Old Testament and came to pass as told in the New Testament. "Today, in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you, He is Christ the Lord". Luke 2:11"
A very blessed Christmas to you all.